Batch Spec YAML Reference

Sourcegraph Batch Changes use batch specs to define batch changes. This page is a reference guide to the batch spec YAML format in which batch specs are defined.


The version of the batch spec. Defaults to 1 if not specified. New batch specs should use version 2. We recommend to always specify the version.

Version 1

The schema version before Sourcegraph version 5.5. For now, if no version is specified, batch changes will use this schema version. It is recommended to switch to version 2.

Introduced in Sourcegraph version 5.5. Queries defined under on.repositoriesMatchingQuery default to keyword search instead of standard search. Authors can override the default by specifying the pattern type explicitly. Refer to the search syntax docs for more information about pattern types.


version: 2


The name of the batch change, which is unique among all batch changes in the namespace. A batch change's name is case-preserving.


name: update-go-import-statements
name: update-node.js


The description of the batch change. It's rendered as Markdown.


description: This batch change changes all `fmt.Sprintf` calls to `strconv.Iota`.
description: | This batch change changes all imports from `` to ``


The set of repositories (and branches) on which the batch change would run. It's specified as a list of search queries (that match repositories) and specific repositories.


on: - repositoriesMatchingQuery: lang:go fmt.Sprintf\("%d", \w+\) patterntype:regexp - repository:


A Sourcegraph search query that matches a set of repositories (and branches). Each matched repository branch is added to the list of repositories on which the batch change will run.

Your search query should answer the question, "Where do I want to run this batch change?". Search result matches for things like commits, symbols, or file owners will be ignored.

It's good practice to explicitly specify the pattern type. If you don't specify a pattern type, the default is determined by the batch spec version.

See Code Search Queries docs for more information.


on: - repositoriesMatchingQuery: file:README
on: - repositoriesMatchingQuery: lang:typescript file:web \"const changesetStatsFragment\" patterntype:keyword


A specific repository (and, optionally, one or more branches) that's added to the list of repositories on which the batch change will run.

For Sourcegraph version 3.35 or less, if multiple branches are specified, then only the last-named branch will be used, and only a single branch could be provided. For Sourcegraph version 3.35 or more, all branches are used.

To match a branch other than the default, branch or branches can be used to specify one or multiple branches, respectively. Only one of branch or branches can be set.

If multiple branches are matched for the same repository, then changesetTemplate.branch will need to have a different value for each branch.


on: - repository:
on: - repository: branch: 3.19-beta - repository:

In the following example, the repositoriesMatchingQuery returns both repositories with their default branch, but the 3.23 branch is used for, since it is more specific:

on: - repositoriesMatchingQuery: repo:sourcegraph\/(sourcegraph|src-cli)$ - repository: branch: 3.23

In this example, both the 3.19-beta and 3.23 branches are used:

on: - repositoriesMatchingQuery: repo:sourcegraph\/(sourcegraph|src-cli)$ - repository: branches: - 3.19-beta - 3.23


The sequence of commands to run (for each repository branch matched in the on property) to produce the batch change.


steps: - run: echo "Hello World!">> README container: alpine:3
steps: - run: comby -in-place 'fmt.Sprintf("%d", :[v])' 'strconv.Itoa(:[v])' .go -matcher .go -exclude-dir .,vendor container: comby/comby - run: gofmt -w ./ container: golang:1.15-alpine
steps: - run: ./ container: our-custom-image env: OLD_VERSION: 1.31.7 NEW_VERSION: 1.33.0

The shell command to run in the container. It can also be a multi-line shell script. The working directory is the root directory of the repository checkout. can include template variables.


The Docker image used to launch the Docker container in which the shell command is run. The image has to have either the /bin/sh or the /bin/bash shell.

It is executed using docker on the machine on which the Sourcegraph CLI (src) is executed. If the image exists locally, that is used. Otherwise, it's pulled using docker pull.


Environment variables to set in the environment when running this command. These may be defined either as an object or as an array.

steps.env can include template variables.

Environment object

In this case, steps.env is an object, where the key is the environment variable's name and the value is the value.


steps: - run: echo $MESSAGE >> README container: alpine:3 env: MESSAGE: Hello world!

Environment array

In this case, steps.env is an array. Each array item is either:

  • An object with a single property, in which case the key is used as the environment variable name and the value the value, or
  • For src-cli execution: A string that defines an environment variable to include from the environment src is being run within. This is useful to define secrets that you don't want to include in the spec file, but this makes the spec dependent on your environment, which means that the local execution cache will be invalidated each time the environment variable changes, and means that the batch spec file is no longer the sole source of truth intended by the Batch Changes design
  • For server-side execution: A string that defines a secret value to expose as an environment variable. Follow the guide on executor secrets to set them up. The editor will suggest available secrets. This is useful to use secret values you don't want to include in the spec file. The execution cache will be invalidated each time the secret value changes, and this means that the batch spec file is no longer the sole source of truth intended by the Batch Changes design


This example is functionally the same as the object example above:

steps: - run: echo $MESSAGE >> README container: alpine:3 env: - MESSAGE: Hello world!

This example pulls in the USER environment variable, or for server-side, uses the executor secret called USER, and uses it to construct the line that will be appended to README:

steps: - run: echo $MESSAGE from $USER >> README container: alpine:3 env: - MESSAGE: Hello world! - USER

For instance, if USER is set to adam, this would append Hello world! from adam to README.


Files to create on the host machine and mount into the container when running steps.files is an object, where the key is the name of the file inside the container and the value is the content of the file.

steps.files can include template variables.


steps: - run: cat /tmp/my-temp-file.txt >> README container: alpine:3 files: /tmp/my-temp-file.txt: Hello world!
steps: - run: cat /tmp/global-gitignore >> .gitignore container: alpine:3 files: /tmp/global-gitignore: | # Vim *.swp # JetBrains/IntelliJ .idea # Emacs *~ \#*\# /.emacs.desktop /.emacs.desktop.lock .\#* .dir-locals.el


Output variables that are set after the command has been executed. These variables are available in the global outputs namespace as outputs.<name> template variables in the run, env, and outputs properties of subsequent steps, and the changesetTemplate. Two steps with the same output variable name will overwrite the previous contents.


steps: - run: yarn upgrade container: alpine:3 outputs: # Set output `friendlyMessage` friendlyMessage: value: "Hello there!"
steps: - run: echo "Hello there!" >> message.txt && cat message.txt container: alpine:3 outputs: friendlyMessage: # `value` supports templating variables and can access the just-executed # step's stdout/stderr. value: "${{ step.stdout }}"
steps: - run: echo "Hello there!" container: alpine:3 outputs: stepOneOutput: value: "${{ step.stdout }}" - run: echo "We have access to the output here: ${{ outputs.stepOneOutput }}" container: alpine:3 outputs: stepTwoOutput: value: "here too: ${{ outputs.stepOneOutput }}"
steps: - run: cat .goreleaser.yml >&2 container: alpine:3 outputs: goreleaserConfig: value: "${{ step.stderr }}" # Specifying a `format` tells Sourcegraph CLI how to parse the value before # making it available as a template variable. format: yaml changesetTemplate: # [...] body: | The `goreleaser.yml` defines the following `before.hooks`: ${{ outputs.goreleaserConfig.before.hooks }}


The value the output should be set to.

steps.outputs.$name.value can include template variables.


The format of the corresponding steps.outputs.<name>.value. When this is set to something other than text, it will be parsed as the given format.

Possible values: text, yaml, json. Default is text.


Condition to check before executing the step. If the value of the if: attribute is true (boolean) or `"true``` (string), then the step is executed in the given repository (or workspace, in case workspaces are used). Otherwise, the step is skipped.

As an optimization, the Sourcegraph CLI tries to evaluate the condition before starting to execute any steps. If the condition can be evaluated ahead of time and the result of the evaluation is false, then the execution of the step won't be attempted for the repository, which leads to better cache utilization.

Ahead-of-time evaluation is possible if the condition contains only static data. Example: if: ${{ eq "" }}. The repository name is known before the execution of the steps, so evaluation succeeds. Sourcegraph CLI will not include the given step in the list of steps to execute for repositories that don't have the matching name. That, in turn, allows the modification of this step's run attribute, for example, without invalidating the cache for the repositories in which it's never executed.

steps.if can include templating.


steps: # `if:` is true, step always executes. - if: true run: echo "name of repository is ${{ }}" >> message.txt container: alpine:3
steps: # `if:` is a static string that's not "true", step never executes. - if: "random string" run: echo "name of repository is ${{ }}" >> message.txt container: alpine:3
steps: # `if:` uses templating to check for repository name and produce a "true". Only runs in - if: ${{ eq "" }} run: echo "hello from automation-testing">> message.txt container: alpine:3
steps: # `if:` uses glob pattern to match repository name and produce "true" on match. - if: ${{ matches "*sourcegraph-testing*" }} run: echo "name contains sourcegraph-testing">> message.txt container: alpine:3
steps: # First step prints to standard out and saves to outputs - run: if [[ -f "go.mod" ]]; then echo "true"; else echo "false"; fi container: alpine:3 outputs: goModExists: value: ${{ step.stdout }} # `if:` uses the just-set `outputs.goModExists` value as condition - if: ${{ outputs.goModExists }} run: go fmt ./... container: golang
steps: # `if:` checks for path, in case steps are executed in workspace. - if: ${{ eq steps.path "sub/directory/in/repo"}} run: echo "hello workspace">> workspace.txt container: golang


This feature is available only for Sourcegraph CLI. Using mount locally is supported in Sourcegraph v3.41 and Sourcegraph CLI 3.41. Using mount in batch changes server-side is supported in Sourcegraph v4.1 and Sourcegraph CLI 4.0.1.

steps.mount functionality makes running custom scripts/binaries easier. It mounts a local path to a path in a Docker container. Mounted paths are accessible to the step's run command.

A path can point to a file or a directory. The path can be absolute or relative. Regardless of the type, the path must be within the same directory as the batch spec being run (the batch spec directory is considered the working directory). If the batch spec is provided using standard input, the current directory is used as the working directory.

Individual files are restricted to a max size of 10MB. Do not include any sensitive information in the files being uploaded.


# Mount a Python script and run the script steps: run: python /tmp/ # execute the script located at the mountpoint container: python:latest mount: - path: ./ # or absolute path /my/local/path/ mountpoint: /tmp/
# Mount a binary and run the binary steps: run: /tmp/some-binary # execute the binary located at the mountpoint container: alpine:latest mount: - path: ./some-binary # or absolute path /my/local/path/some-binary mountpoint: /tmp/some-binary
# Mount a directory containing scripts and run a script from the directory steps: run: python /tmp/scripts/ container: python:latest mount: - path: ./scripts # or absolute path /my/local/path/scripts mountpoint: /tmp/scripts
# Mount a Python script and a directory with supporting files for the script and run the script steps: run: python /tmp/ container: python:latest mount: - path: ./ # or absolute path /my/local/path/ mountpoint: /tmp/ - path: ./supporting-files # or absolute path /my/local/path/supporting-files mountpoint: /tmp/supporting-files


An array describing which already-existing changesets should be imported from the code host into the batch change.


importChangesets: - repository: externalIDs: [13323, "13343", 13342, 13380] - repository: externalIDs: [260, 271]


The repository name as configured on your Sourcegraph instance.


The changesets to import from the code host. For GitHub, this is the pull request number; for GitLab, this is the merge request number; and for Bitbucket Server, Bitbucket Data Center, or Bitbucket Cloud, this is the pull request number.


A template describing how to create (and update) changesets with the file changes produced by the command steps.

This defines what the changesets on the code hosts (pull requests on GitHub, merge requests on Gitlab, etc.) will look like.


changesetTemplate: title: Replace equivalent fmt.Sprintf calls with strconv.Itoa body: This batch change replaces `fmt.Sprintf("%d", integer)` calls with semantically equivalent `strconv.Itoa` calls branch: batch-changes/sprintf-to-itoa commit: message: Replacing fmt.Sprintf with strconv.Iota author: name: Lisa Coder email: [email protected] published: false
changesetTemplate: title: Update rxjs in package.json to newest version body: This pull request updates rxjs to the newest version, `6.6.2`. branch: batch-changes/update-rxjs commit: message: Update rxjs to 6.6.2 published: true
changesetTemplate: title: Run go fmt over all Go files body: Regular `go fmt` run over all our Go files. branch: go-fmt commit: message: Run go fmt author: name: Anna Wizard email: [email protected] published: # Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger. - git.istari.example/*: false - git.istari.example/anna/*: true


The title of the changeset on the code host.

changesetTemplate.title can include template variables.


The body (description) of the changeset on the code host. If the code supports Markdown you can use it here.

changesetTemplate.body can include template variables.


The name of the Git branch to create or update each repository with the changes.

If multiple branches within the same repository are matched in on.repository, then this value must be dynamic since creating multiple branches with the same name in the same repository is impossible. This is often most easily accomplished with the repository.branch template variable. For example, this will create new-feature-3.34 and new-feature-3.35 branches:

on: - repository: branches: - 3.34 - 3.35 changesetTemplate: branch: new-feature-${{ repository.branch }}
changesetTemplate.branch can include template variables.


The Git commit to create with the batch changes.


The Git commit message.

changesetTemplate.commit.message can include template variables.

The name and email of the Git commit author. can include template variables.


changesetTemplate: commit: author: name: Alan Turing email: [email protected]


changesetTemplate.published tells whether to publish the changesets as soon as the spec is applied. This may be a boolean value (i.e., true or false), "draft", or an array to only publish some changesets within the batch change. This may also be omitted, in which case the publication state will be controlled through the Sourcegraph UI and default to unpublished (the same as specifying false).

An unpublished changeset can be previewed on Sourcegraph by any user who can view the batch change, but its commit, branch, and pull requests aren't created on the code host.

When published is set to draft, a commit, branch, and pull request/merge request are created on the code host in draft mode. This means:

  • On GitHub the changeset will be a draft pull request.
  • On GitLab, the changeset will be a merge request whose title is prefixed with "WIP:" to flag it as a draft merge request.
  • On Bitbucket Server, Bitbucket Data Center, and Bitbucket Cloud, draft pull requests are not supported, and changesets published as draft won't be created.
Changesets that have already been published on a code host as a non-draft (published: true) cannot be converted to drafts. Changesets can only go from unpublished to draft to published, but not from published to draft. That also allows you to take it out of draft mode on your code host without risking Sourcegraph to revert to draft mode.

A published changeset creates a commit, branch, and pull request on the code host.

Publishing only specific changesets

To publish only specific changesets within a batch change, an array of single-element objects can be provided. For example:

published: - true - false - draft

Each key will be matched against the repository name using glob syntax. The gobwas/glob library is used for matching, with the key operators being:

*Match any sequence of characters
?Match any single character
[ab]Match either a or b
[a-z]Match any character between a and z, inclusive
{abc,def}Match either abc or def

If multiple entries match a repository, the last entry will be used. For example, will not be published given this configuration:

published: -*: true -*: false

If no entries match, then the repository will not be published. To make the default true, add a wildcard entry as the first item in the array:

published: - "*": true -*: false
The standalone `"*``` is quoted in the key to avoid ambiguity in the YAML document.

By adding a @<branch> at the end of a match-rule, the rule is only matched against changesets with that branch:

published: -*@my-branch: true -*@my-other-branch: true


To publish all changesets created by a batch change:

changesetTemplate: published: true

To publish all changesets created by a batch change as drafts:

changesetTemplate: published: draft

To only publish changesets within the sourcegraph GitHub organization:

changesetTemplate: published: -*: true

To publish all changesets that are not on GitLab:

changesetTemplate: published: - "*": true -*: false

To publish all changesets on GitHub as draft:

changesetTemplate: published: - "*": true -*: draft

To publish only one of many changesets in a repository by addressing them with their branch name:

changesetTemplate: published: - "*": true -*@my-branch-name-1: draft -*@my-branch-name-2: false

(Multiple changesets in a single repository can be produced, for example, per project in a monorepo or by transforming large changes into multiple changesets).


It is supported on Sourcegraph versions 5.1 or more.

Whether or not each changeset should be created on a fork of the upstream repository in the namespace of the user publishing them (or the namespace of the service account if global credentials are used).

This value will override the setting if the site config setting batchChanges.enforceForks is enabled. For example, explicitly setting fork: false when the site config setting is enabled will publish changesets directly to the target repos. If omitted, the site config setting will be used.

The name of the fork Sourcegraph creates will be prefixed with the name of the original repo's namespace to prevent potential repo name collisions. For example, a batch spec targeting would create or use any existing fork named

If your code host does not support forking (e.g., Gerrit), trying to publish a changeset with fork: true will result in an error.


To publish all changesets created by this batch change to forks:

changesetTemplate: fork: true

To publish all changesets created by this batch change to the target repository:

changesetTemplate: fork: false


A description of how to transform the changes (diffs) produced in each repository before turning them into separate changeset specs by inserting them into the changesetTemplate.

This allows the creation of multiple changeset specs (and thus changesets) in a single repository.


# Transform the changes produced in each repository. transformChanges: # Group the file diffs by directory and produce an additional changeset per group. group: # Create a separate changeset for all changes in the top-level `go` directory - directory: go branch: my-batch-change-go # will replace the `branch` in the `changesetTemplate` - directory: internal/codeintel branch: my-batch-change-codeintel # will replace the `branch` in the `changesetTemplate` repository: # optional: only apply the rule in this repository
transformChanges: group: - directory: go/utils/time branch: my-batch-change-go-time # The *last* matching directory is used, not the most specific one, # so only this changeset would be opened. - directory: go/utils branch: my-batch-change-go-date

A list of groups to define which file diffs to group together to create an additional changeset in the given repository. The order of the list matters, since each file diff's filepath is matched against the directory of a group, and the last match is used.

If no changes have been produced in a directory, no changeset will be created.

The name of the directory in which file diffs should be grouped together. The name is relative to the root of the repository.

The branch that should be used for this additional changeset. This overwrites the changesetTemplate.branch when creating the additional changeset.

The branch cannot be nested under the changesetTemplate.branch, i.e. if the changesetTemplate.branch is my-batch-change then this can not be my-batch-change/my-subdirectory since git doesn't allow that. Additionally, branch names must be unique and cannot be used as arguments for multiple directory fields.

(Optional) The file diffs matching the given directory will only be grouped in a repository with that name, as configured on your Sourcegraph instance.


The optional workspaces property allows users to define where projects are located in repositories and cause the steps to be executed for each project instead of once per repository. That allows easier creation of multiple changesets in large repositories.

For each repository yielded by on, a Sourcegraph search is used to get the locations of the rootAtLocationOf file. Each location serves as a workspace for executing the steps instead of the repository's root. Use the property to scope the definitions of workspaces. Omitting it is treated as *.

Since multiple workspaces in the same repository can produce multiple changesets, it's required to use templating to produce a unique changesetTemplate.branch for each produced changeset. See the examples below.


Defining JavaScript projects that live in a monorepo by using the location of the package.json file as the root for each project:

on: - repository: workspaces: - rootAtLocationOf: package.json in: changesetTemplate: # [...] # Since a changeset is uniquely identified by its repository and its # branch we need to ensure that each changesets has a unique branch name. # We can use templating and helper functions get the `path` in which # the `steps` executed and turn that into a branch name: branch: my-multi-workspace-batch-change-${{ replace steps.path "/" "-"}}

Using templating to produce a unique branch name in repositories with workspaces and repositories without workspaces:

on: - repository: - repository: workspaces: - rootAtLocationOf: package.json in: changesetTemplate: # [...] # Since the steps in `` are executed in the # root, where path is"", we can use `join_if` to drop it from the branch name # if it's a blank string: branch: ${{ join_if "-" "my-multi-workspace-batch-change" (replace steps.path "/" "-") }}

Defining where Go, JavaScript, and Rust projects live in multiple repositories:

workspaces: - rootAtLocationOf: go.mod in:* - rootAtLocationOf: package.json in:*-js onlyFetchWorkspace: true - rootAtLocationOf: Cargo.toml in:* changesetTemplate: # [...] branch: ${{ join_if "-" "my-multi-workspace-batch-change" (replace steps.path "/" "-") }}

Using steps.outputs to dynamically create unique branch names:

# [...] on: # Find all repositories with a package.json file - repositoriesMatchingQuery: repohasfile:package.json workspaces: # Define that workspaces have their root folder at the location of the # package.json files - rootAtLocationOf: package.json in: "*" steps: # [... steps that produce changes ...] # Run `jq` to extract the "name" from the package.json - run: jq -j .name package.json container: jiapantw/jq-alpine:latest outputs: # Set outputs.packageName to stdout of this step's `run` command. packageName: value: ${{ step.stdout }} changesetTemplate: # [...] # Use `outputs` variables to create a unique branch name per changeset: branch: my-batch-change-${{ outputs.projectName }}

Create changesets only on workspaces defined within subdirectories using if::

name: test-in description: what happens in `in`? on: - repository: workspaces: - rootAtLocationOf: package.json in: onlyFetchWorkspace: true steps: | - run: | | | echo Path is: ${{ steps.path }} | tee path.txt | container: alpine:3 # Only creates changesets in subdirectories of client containing package.json files if: ${{ matches steps.path "client*" }} changesetTemplate: title: Test `in` body: what happens in `in`? branch: test-in-${{ replace "/" "-" steps.path }} commit: message: Test in


The full name of the file that sits at the root of one or more workspaces in a given repository. Sourcegraph Code Search is used to find the location of files with this name in the repositories returned by on.

For example, in a repository with the following files:

  • packages/sourcegraph-ui/package.json
  • packages/sourcegraph-test-helper/package.json

the workspace configuration

workspaces: - rootAtLocationOf: package.json in: "*"

Would create two changesets in the repository, one in packages/sourcegraph-ui and one in packages/sourcegraph-test-helper.

The repositories in which the workspace should be discovered. This field supports globbing by using glob syntax. See "Publishing only specific changesets" for more information on globbing.

A repository matching multiple entries results in an error.


Match all repository names that begin with

workspaces: - rootAtLocationOf: go.mod in:*

Match all repository names that begin with and end with -plugin:

workspaces: - rootAtLocationOf: package.json in:*-plugin


When set to true, only the folder containing the workspace is downloaded to execute the steps. This field is not required; when not set, the default is false.

Additional files — .gitignore and .gitattributes — are downloaded from the workspace location up to the repository's root. For example, with the following file layout in a repository

. ├── a │ ├── b │ │ ├── [... other files in b ...] │ │ ├── package.json │ │ └── .gitignore │ │ │ ├── [... other files in a ...] │ ├── .gitattributes │ └── .gitignore ├── [... other files in root ... ] └── .gitignore

and this workspace configuration

workspaces: - rootAtLocationOf: package.json in: onlyFetchWorkspace: true


  • the steps will be executed in b
  • the complete contents of b will be downloaded and are available to the steps
  • the .gitattributes and .gitignore files in a' will be downloaded and put in a', but only those
  • the .gitignore files in the root will be downloaded and put in the root folder, but only that file


Only download the workspaces of specific JavaScript projects in a large monorepo:

workspaces: - rootAtLocationOf: package.json in: onlyFetchWorkspace: true
Search and Replace Specific Terms