Sourcegraph Analytics
Enterprise customers can use Sourcegraph Analytics to get a clear view of usage, engagement, performance, and impact.
Sourcegraph Cloud Analytics
Sourcegraph Cloud customers can use our managed cloud analytics service for Cody and Code Search usage data. Self-hosted customers can also use this service, but they must
Upgrade to a supported version of Sourcegraph (5.9+) Have fully enabled usage telemetry.
Self-Hosted Analytics
Self-hosted customers will soon be able to use our self-hosted and locally deployed analytics service, built on Grafana, to see Sourcegraph usage data.
This product is in development now. If you would like to learn more, please contact your Sourcegraph representative.
We provide a set of metrics that can be used to monitor Sourcegraph usage, engagement, performance, and impact within your enterprise.
Learn more about how we think about the ROI of Sourcegraph in our blog.
User metrics available
Metric | Description |
Total active users | Total number of unique users who have used any Sourcegraph product during the selected time |
Average daily users | The average number of unique users who use Sourcegraph per day during the selected time |
Average days of activity per user | The average number of days each user actively uses Sourcegraph during the selected time |
Daily active users | Number of unique users who used Sourcegraph by day |
Weekly active users | Number of unique users who used Sourcegraph by week |
Daily users by product | Count of daily users across different Sourcegraph products (Cody, Code Search, Code Insights, etc.) |
Product usage distribution (by percentage of users) | Percentage breakdown of users across different Sourcegraph product groupings during the selected time |
Detailed user activity (top 20 users) | List of the 20 most active users during the selected time and their usage patterns |
Frequency of usage | Count of users who used Sourcegraph n times over the past 30 days |
Cody-only user metrics
Many of the metrics above are also available for Cody only. However, some user definitions are slightly different:
User category | Description |
Authenticated users | All users signed in to Cody in an editor or interacted with Cody on the web during the selected period. Read more. |
Active users | All users who sign in to Cody in an editor or interact with Cody on the web during the period selected. Read more. |
Code Search & navigation metrics
Metric | Description |
Total in-product searchers | Number of unique users who performed searches using the Sourcegraph search interface during the selected time |
Total result clicks | Count of times users clicked on search results to view files or other resources during the selected time |
Total file views | Number of times users viewed individual files through Sourcegraph during the selected time |
Daily in-product search activity | Count of search operations performed each day through the Sourcegraph interface |
Daily search users (in-product and API) | Number of unique users performing searches each day, including both UI and API usage |
All searches (in-product and API) by type | Breakdown of searches by category (e.g., literal, regex), including both UI and API usage |
Total code navigation actions | Count of all code navigation operations performed (e.g., go-to-definition, find references) during the selected time period |
Precise code navigation % | Percentage of code navigation actions that used precise intelligence rather than search-based results during the selected time |
Daily code navigation activity | Count of code navigation operations performed each day |
Daily code navigation users | Number of unique users utilizing code navigation features each day |
Precise vs. search-based code navigation actions by language | Comparison of precise vs. search-based navigation success rates broken down by programming language |
Autocompletion metrics
Metric | Description |
Total accepted completions | Count of completions accepted by users during the selected time |
Hours saved | The number of hours saved by Cody users, assuming 2 minutes saved per completion |
Completions by day | The number of completions suggested by day and by editor. |
Completion acceptance rate (CAR) | The percent of completions presented to a user for at least 750ms accepted by day, the editor, day, and month. |
Weighted completion acceptance rate (wCAR) | Similar to CAR, but weighted by the number of characters presented in the completion, by the editor, day, and month. This assigns more "weight" to accepted completions that provide more code to the user. |
Average completion latency (ms) | The average milliseconds of latency before a user is presented with a completion suggestion by an editor. |
Acceptance rate by language | CAR and total completion suggestions broken down by editor during the selected time |
Chat and prompt metrics
Metric | Description |
Total chat events | Total number of chat interactions with Cody during the selected time |
Minutes saved per chat | Average time saved per chat interaction with Cody during the selected time |
Hours saved by chats | Total hours saved through Cody chat interactions during the selected time , assuming 5 minutes saved per chat |
Cody chats by day | Daily count of chat interactions |
Cody chat users | Daily count of chat users |
Prompts created, edited, and deleted by day | Daily count of prompt management activities, including creation, modification, and removal |
Users creating, editing, and deleting prompts by day | Number of unique users performing prompt management activities each day |
Command metrics (deprecated)
As of Sourcegraph version 5.10, commands are being deprecated in favor of our new feature, chat prompts. As a result, if your Sourcegraph instance is running version 5.10 or later, you may see decreased command usage. In the coming weeks, these command metrics will be deprecated and replaced with new prompt metrics on the Chats tab.
Metric | Description |
Total command events | Total number of command executions during the selected time |
Hours saved by commands | Total hours saved through command executions during the selected time, assuming 5 minutes saved per command |
Cody commands by day | Daily count of command executions |
Cody command users | Daily count of command users |
Most used commands | Ranking of most frequently used Cody commands during the selected time |