Code Insights
Supported on Enterprise plans.
Currently available via the Web app.
Anything you can search, you can track and analyze

Code Insights reveals high-level information about your codebase, based on both how your code changes over time and its current state.
Code Insights is based on our universal code search, making it precise and configurable. Track anything that can be expressed with a Sourcegraph search query: migrations, package use, version adoption, code smells, codebase size and much more, across 1,000s of repositories. Code Insights will backfill years of historical data from your version control, so you can immediately reveal current trends and baselines.
Learn how to work with Code Insights.
Language Insight Quickstart
Get started and create your first language code insight in 5 minutes or less.
Demo Video
Watch the Code Insights demo video for better understanding.
Learn about requirements for your working with Code Insights.