Assigned ownership

Owners (both users and teams) can be manually assigned. Assignment can be done on a repository, directory or a file level.

Assigned ownership propagates in a top-down manner: e.g.

  • If an owner is assigned to the repository, they will be considered an owner for all files and directories of this repository.
  • If an owner is assigned to some directory (e.g. repo-name/src/abc) within the repo, they will be considered an owner for all the directories and files within repo-name/src/abc, but not for any other directories and files higher up in the hierarchy.
  • If an owner is assigned to some file (e.g. repo-name/src/abc/a.go) within the repo, they will be considered an owner only for this file.

Who can assign ownership

Only site admins can assign ownership by default. For other users, RBAC should be used to grant assign ownership right. More about RBAC in Sourcegraph.

How to assign ownership

Repository level ownership

Go to the repository page and click "Ownership" button.

Repository page with Ownership button selected

  1. Click "Add owner" button, the modal window will open.
  2. Activate "New owner" panel.
  3. Search for the user/team to assign ownership to.
  4. Click "Add owner" button on the modal window.

Add repository owner

Owner is assigned successfully.

Repository owner added

Directory level ownership

Go to any directory view (in our example it is cmd/gitserver/internal) and click "Show more" on Own panel.

Repository page with Ownership button selected

  1. Click "Add owner" button, the modal window will open.
  2. Activate "New owner" panel.
  3. Search for the user/team to assign ownership to.
  4. Click "Add owner" button on the modal window.

Add repository owner

Owner is assigned successfully.

Repository owner added

File level ownership

Go to the blob view of any file (in our example it is cmd/gitserver/internal/cleanup.go).

  1. Click on the Own bar in the top-right corner.
  2. Click "Add owner" button in the bottom-right corner of an opened Ownership tab.
  3. Activate "New owner" panel.
  4. Search for the user/team to assign ownership to.
  5. Click "Add owner" button on the modal window.

Add repository owner

Owner is assigned successfully.

Repository owner added

How to remove an assigned owner

Repository and directory level

Go to the repository page and click "Ownership" button or Go to any directory view and click "Show more" on Own panel.

Click on "Remove ownership" button.

Repository/directory owner removed

File level

Go to the blob view of any file and to the Ownership tab.

Click on "Remove ownership" button.

File owner removed

Note on removing assigned owners

Owners can be removed only at the same level they were initially assigned. For example:

  • If an owner is assigned to the repository, they should be removed from the repository level. They cannot be removed from any directory/file within this repo, even though they are considered owners of these directories/files.
  • If an owner is assigned to some directory within the repo, they should be removed from the same directory. They cannot be removed from any subdirectory/file below this directory, even though they are considered owners of these subdirectories/files.
  • If an owner is assigned to some file within the repo, they should be removed from the same file.

"Remove ownership" buttons are disabled and the tooltip is shown when a user is attempting to remove an owner from the different place from where this owner has been assigned.

Remove ownership disabled tooltip

Configuration Reference