Search Query Syntax

This page describes the query syntax for Code Search.

A typical search consists of two parts:

  • A search pattern containing the terms you want to search, for example println
  • Search filters that scope the search to certain repositories, languages, etc., for example lang:java

For a graphical view of Sourcegraph's query syntax, see the search language reference.

Search patterns

This section documents the search pattern syntax in Sourcegraph. To match file content, you need to specify a search pattern. Search patterns are optional when searching commits, filenames, or repository names.

Keyword search (default)

Keyword search matches individual terms anywhere in the document or the filename. Use "..." to match phrases exactly. Specify regular expressions inside /.../.

Search pattern syntaxDescription
foo barMatch documents containing both foo and bar anywhere in the document.
"foo bar"Match the string foo bar exactly. The space between the terms is interpreted literally. The quotes are not matched.
"foo \"bar\""Match the string foo "bar" exactly.
/foo.*bar/Match the regular expression foo.*bar. We support RE2 syntax.
foo OR barMatch documents containing foo or bar anywhere in the document.
Matching is case-insensitive by default (toggle the Aa button to change).
In version 5.4, keyword replaced standard as the new default pattern type.

Clicking the (.*) toggle interprets all search patterns as regular expressions.

In Keyword search, use /.../ to perform regular expression searches. Use this mode if you prefer writing out regular expressions without enclosing them. In this mode spaces between patterns mean match anything. Patterns inside quotes mean match exactly.
Search SyntaxDescription
foo barSearch for the regexp foo(.*?)bar. Spaces between non-whitespace strings becomes .*? to create a fuzzy search
foo\ bar or /foo bar/Search for the regexp foo bar. The \ escapes the space and treats the space as part of the pattern. Use /.../ to avoid escaping spaces
foo\nbarPerform a multiline regexp search. \n is interpreted as a newline
"foo bar"Match the string foo bar exactly. The space between the terms is interpreted literally. The quotes are not matched.
We support RE2 syntax. Matching is case-insensitive by default (toggle the Aa button to change).

Filters (all searches)

The following filters can be used on all searches (using RE2 syntax any place a regex is accepted):

repo:regexp-pattern rev:rev
alias: r
Include results from repos whose path matches a specified regexp-pattern. The repo path is or depending on your repo host. If the regexp ends in @rev, search that revision instead of the default main branch. repo:regexp-pattern@rev is equivalent to repo:regexp-pattern rev:revrepo:gorilla/mux testroute
repo:^github\.com/sourcegraph/[email protected] mux
alias: -r
Exclude results from repositories whose path matches the regexprepo:alice/ -repo:old-repo
alias: revision
Search a revision instead of the default branch. rev: can only be used in conjunction with repo: and may not be used more than once. See our revision syntax documentation to learn morerepo:sourcegraph/sourcegraph rev:v3.14.0 mux
alias: f
Only include file results whose full path matches the regexp. The regexp is unanchored by default: to match against the entire path, use regexp anchors like ^$.file:\.js$ httptest
file:internal/ httptest
alias: -f
Exclude file results whose full path matches the regexp. The regexp is unanchored by default: to match against the entire path, use regexp anchors like ^$.file:\.js$ -file:test http
content:"pattern"Set the search pattern with a dedicated parameter. Useful when searching literally for a string that may conflict with the search pattern syntax. In between the quotes, the \ character will need to be escaped (\\ to evaluate for \)repo:sourcegraph content:"repo:sourcegraph"
-content:"pattern"Exclude results from files whose content matches the pattern.file:Dockerfile alpine -content:alpine:latest
select:file.owners (Experimental)
Shows only query results for a given type. For example, select:repo displays only distinct repository paths from search results, and select:commit.diff.added shows only added code matching the search. See language definition for full list of possible valuesfmt.Errorf select:repo
alias: lang, l
Only include results from files in the specified programming languagelanguage:typescript encoding
alias: -lang, -l
Exclude results from files in the specified programming language-language:typescript encoding
type:symbolPerform a symbol searchtype:symbol path
case:yesPerform a case sensitive query. Without this, everything is matched case insensitivelyOPEN_FILE case:yes
fork:yes, fork:onlyInclude results from repository forks or filter results to only repository forks. Results in repository forks are excluded by defaultfork:yes repo:sourcegraph
archived:yes, archived:onlyThe yes option, includes archived repositories. The only option, filters results to only archived repositories. Results in archived repositories are excluded by defaultrepo:sourcegraph/ archived:only
repo:has.meta(...)Experimental Conditionally search inside repositories only if they are associated with a specified metadata:
1. key-value pair, or
2. key with any value, or
3. key with no value
See built-in predicates for more
1. repo:has.meta(owning-team:security)
2. repo:has.meta(owning-team)
3. repo:has.meta(archived:)
repo:has.path(...)Conditionally search inside repositories only if they contain a file path matching the regular expression. See built-in predicates for morerepo:has.path(\.py) file:Dockerfile pip
repo:has.topic(...)Search only in repos repositories if they have the given GitHub or GitLab topic. See built-in predicates for morerepo:has.topic(code-search) rank
repo:has.commit.after(...)Filter out stale repositories that don't contain commits past the specified time frame. See built-in predicates for morerepo:has.commit.after(yesterday)
repo:has.commit.after(june 25 2017)
rev:at.time(...)Search a repo or a branch at a specific point in time.rev:at.time(1 year ago)
file:has.content(...)Conditionally search files only if they contain contents that match the provided regex pattern. See built-in predicates for morefile:has.content(Copyright) Sourcegraph
file:has.owners(...)Beta Conditionally search files only if they are owned by the given owner. Empty means any owner. See code ownership documentation for morefile:has.owner([email protected]) Sourcegraph
file:has.contributor(...)Conditionally search files only if a file contributor's name or email matches the provided regex pattern. See built-in predicates for morefile:has.contributor([email protected]) Sourcegraph
count:N,< /> count:allRetrieve N results. By default, Sourcegraph stops searching early and returns if it finds a full page of results. This is desirable for most interactive searches. To wait for all results, use count:allcount:1000 function
count:all err
timeout:go-duration-valueCustomizes the timeout for searches. The value of the parameter is a string that can be parsed by the Go time package's ParseDuration (e.g. 10s, 100ms). By default, the timeout is set to 10 seconds, and the search will optimize for returning results as soon as possible. The timeout value cannot be set longer than 1 minute. When provided, the search is given the full timeout to completerepo:^ timeout:15s func count:10000
patterntype:keyword, patterntype:regexpConfigure your query to be interpreted as a keyword search, or a regular expression. Note: this filter is available as an accessibility option in addition to the visual togglestest. patternType:keyword
(open/close)file patternType:regexp
visibility:any, visibility:public, visibility:privateFilter results to only public or private repositories. The default is to include both private and public repositoriestype:repo visibility:public

Multiple or combined repo: and file: filters are intersected. For example, repo:foo repo:bar limits your search to repositories whose path contains both foo and bar (such as To include results from repositories whose path contains either foo or bar, use repo:foo|bar.

The rev:at.time(...) filter is only supported for Sourcegraph versions 5.4 or more.

Boolean operators

Use boolean operators to create more expressive searches.

Returns results for files containing matches on the left and right side of the and (set intersection).

Returns file content matching either on the left or right side, or both (set union). The number of results reports the number of matches of both strings. Note the regex or operator | may not work as expected with certain operators for example file:(internal/repos)|(internal/gitserver), to receive the expected results use subexpressions, (file:internal/repos or file:internal/gitserver)

NOT can be used in place of - to negate filters, such as file, content, lang, repohasfile, and repo. For search patterns, NOT excludes documents that contain the term after NOT. For readability, you can also include the AND operator before a NOT (i.e. panic NOT ever is equivalent to panic AND NOT ever).

If you want to search for reserved keywords like OR in your code use content like this: content:"query with OR".

Operator precedence and groups

Operators may be combined. and expressions have higher precedence (bind tighter) than or expressions so that a and b or c and d means (a and b) or (c and d).

Expressions may be grouped with parentheses to change the default precedence and meaning. For example: a and (b or c) and d.

Filter scope

When parentheses are absent, we use the convention that operators divide sequences of terms that should be grouped together. That is:

file:main.c char c or (int i and int j) generally means (file:main.c char c) or (int i and int j)

To apply the scope of the file filter to the entire subexpression, fully group the subexpression:

file:main.c (char c or (int i and int j)).

Browse the search subexpressions examples to learn more about use cases.

Filters (diff and commit searches only)

The following filters are only used for commit diff and commit message searches, which show changes over time:

repo:regexp-pattern@revSpecifies which Git revisions to search for commits. See our repository revisions documentation to learn more about the revision syntax.repo:vscode@*refs/heads/:^refs/heads/master type:diff task (unmerged commit diffs containing task)
Specifies the type of search. By default, searches are executed on all code at a given point in time (a branch or a commit). Specify the type: if you want to search over changes to code or commit messages instead (diffs or commits).type:diff func
type:commit test
author:nameOnly include results from diffs or commits authored by the user. Regexps are supported. Note that they match the whole author string of the form Full Name <[email protected]>, so to include only authors from a specific domain, use>$. You can also use author:@SourcegraphUserName to search on a Sourcegraph user's list of verified emails.

You can also search by committer:git-email. Note: there is a committer only when they are a different user than the author.
type:diff author:nick
-author:nameExclude results from diffs or commits authored by the user. Regexps are supported. Note that they match the whole author string of the form Full Name <[email protected]>, so to exclude authors from a specific domain, use>$. You can also use author:@SourcegraphUserName to search on a Sourcegraph user's list of verified emails.

You can also search by committer:git-email. Note: there is a committer only when they are a different user than the author.
type:diff author:nick
before:"string specifying time frame"Only include results from diffs or commits which have a commit date before the specified time framebefore:"last thursday"
before:"november 1 2019"
after:"string specifying time frame"Only include results from diffs or commits which have a commit date after the specified time frameafter:"6 weeks ago"
after:"november 1 2019"
message:"any string"Only include results from diffs or commits which have commit messages containing the stringtype:commit message:"testing"
type:diff message:"testing"
-message:"any string"Exclude the results from diffs or commits which have commit messages containing the stringtype:commit message:"testing"
type:diff message:"testing"

Repository Revisions

To search revisions other than the default branch, specify the revisions by either appending them to the repo: filter or by listing them separately with the rev: filter. This means:<revisions> is equivalent to rev:<revisions>.

The <revisions> part refers to repository revisions (branches, commit hashes, and tags) and may take on the following forms:

(All examples apply to @ as well as rev:)

  • @branch - a branch name
  • @1735d48 - a commit hash
  • @3.15 - a tag

You can separate revisions by a colon to search multiple revisions at the same time, @branch:1735d48:3.15.

Per default, we match revisions to tags, branches, and commits. You can limit the search to branches or tags by adding the prefix refs/tags or refs/heads. For example @refs/tags/3.18 will search the commit tagged with 3.18, but not a branch called 3.18 and vice versa for @refs/heads/3.18.

Glob patterns allow you to search over a range of branches or tags. Prepend * to mark a revision as glob pattern and add the glob-pattern after it like this repo:<repo>@*<glob-pattern>. For example:

We automatically add a trailing /* if it is missing from the glob pattern.

You can negate a glob pattern by prepending *!, for example:

Repository names

A query with only repo: filters returns a list of repositories with matching names.

Commit and Diff searches

Commit and diff searches act on sets of commits. A set is defined by a revision (branch, commit hash, or tag), and it contains all commits reachable from that revision. A commit is reachable from another commit if it can be reached by following the pointers to parent commits.

For commit and diff searches it is possible to exclude a set of commits by prepending a caret ^. The caret acts as a set difference. For example,^3.15 type:commit will show all commits in main minus the commits reachable from the commit tagged with 3.15.

A query with type:path restricts terms to matching filenames only (not file contents).

A query with type:file restricts terms to matching file contents only (not filenames).
