Creating Changesets per Project in Monorepos

Learn how to create changesets per project in monorepos.

Large repositories often contain multiple projects, hence named as Monorepos. It can make sense to run the batch spec steps separately in each project and create one changeset per project.

This can be done by using workspaces in the batch specs via two steps:

  1. Define the project locations with the workspaces property
  2. Produce unique changesetTemplate.branch names

Define project locations with workspaces

Let's say you have a repository containing multiple TypeScript projects in which you want to update TypeScript by running the following command:

npm update typescript

The repository has the following directory and file structure:

README project1/package.json project1/src/... project2/package.json project2/src/... examples/project3/package.json examples/project3/src/...

The location of the package.json files tells us that the TypeScript projects are in project1, project2, and examples/project3. You want to run the npm update command in each of these and produce an individual changeset per project.

The workspaces property in batch specs allows you to do that:

name: update-typescript-monorepo description: This batch change updates the TypeScript dependency to the latest version on: - repositoriesMatchingQuery: our-large-monorepo workspaces: - rootAtLocationOf: package.json in: steps: - run: npm update typescript container: node:14 # [...]

The workspaces property here defines that in, different workspaces exist and contain a package.json at their root.

When executed with src batch [apply|preview], this would produce up to 3 changesets in, one for each project.

Produce unique changesetTemplate.branch names

Since changesets are uniquely identified by their repository and branch, you must ensure that multiple changesets in the same repository will have different branches.

To do that, we make use of templating in the changesetTemplate.branch field

# [...] changesetTemplate: title: Update TypeScript body: This updates TypeScript to the latest version published: false commit: message: Update TypeScript # Templating and helper functions allow us to get the `path` in which # the `steps` executed and turn that into a branch name: branch: batch-changes/update-typescript-${{ replace steps.path "/" "-" }}

The steps.path templating variable contains the path in which the steps were executed relative to the root of the repository.

With the file and directory structure above, that means you'd end up with the following branch names:

  • batch-changes/update-typescript-project1
  • batch-changes/update-typescript-project2
  • batch-changes/update-typescript-examples-project3

And with that, you're done and ready to produce multiple changesets in a single repository, with the full batch spec looking like this:

name: update-typescript-monorepo description: This batch change updates the TypeScript dependency to the latest version on: - repository: workspaces: - rootAtLocationOf: package.json in: steps: - run: npm update typescript container: node:14 changesetTemplate: title: Update TypeScript body: This updates TypeScript to the latest version branch: batch-changes/update-typescript-${{ replace steps.path "/" "-" }} commit: message: Update TypeScript published: false

You only need to run src batch [apply|preview] to execute your batch spec.

Dynamic discovery of workspaces

The workspace property leverages Sourcegraph search to find the location of the defined workspaces in the repositories yielded by the on property of the batch spec.

That has the advantage that it's dynamic: whenever src batch [apply|preview] is re-executed, Sourcegraph search is used again to find workspaces, automatically picking up new ones and removing workspaces that no longer exist.

Only downloading workspace data in large repositories

If the repository containing the workspaces is really large and it's not feasible to download to make it available for the steps execution, the workspaces.onlyFetchWorkspaces field can be set to true to only download the workspaces, without the rest of the repository.

To learn more about workspaces, read in the batch spec YAML reference.
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