Creating Multiple Changesets in Large Repositories

Learn how to create multiple changesets in large-sized repos.

Creating multiple changesets in large repos functionality is in the Beta stage.

Batch changes can produce a lot of changes in a single repository. Splitting the changes into multiple changesets makes reviewing and merging the changes easier.

This can be done by using transformChanges in the batch spec to group the changes produced in one single repository by directory and create a changeset for each group.

In some monorepos, it makes more sense to run the batch spec steps per project. Read Creating changesets per project in monoreposto find out how to use the workspaces property for it.

Using transformChanges

The following batch spec uses the transformChanges property to create up to 4 changesets in a single repository by grouping the changes made in different directories:

name: hello-world description: Add Hello World to READMEs # Find all repositories that contain a README file. on: - repositoriesMatchingQuery: file:README # In each repository, run this command. Each repository's resulting diff is captured. steps: - run: IFS=$'\n'; echo Hello World | tee -a $(find -name README) container: alpine:3 # Transform the changes produced in each repository. transformChanges: # Group the file diffs by directory and produce one additional changeset per group. # Changes that haven't been grouped will be be in the standard changeset. group: - directory: client branch: hello-world-client # will replace the `branch` in the `changesetTemplate` - directory: docker-images # Optional: only apply the rule in this repository repository: branch: hello-world-infra - directory: monitoring repository: branch: hello-world-monitoring # Describe the changeset (e.g., GitHub pull request) you want for each repository. changesetTemplate: title: Hello World body: My first batch change! branch: hello-world # This branch is the default branch and will be # overwritten for each additional changeset. commit: message: Append Hello World to all README files published: false # Do not publish any changes to the code hosts yet

This batch spec will produce up to 4 changesets in the repository:

  1. A changeset with the changes in the client directory
  2. A changeset with the changes in docker-images
  3. A changeset with the changes in monitoring
  4. A changeset with the changes in the other directories.

Since code hosts and Git don't allow creating multiple, different changesets on the same branch, it is required to specify a unique branch for each directory that will be used for the additional changesets. That branch will overwrite the default branch specified in changesetTemplate.

If no changes have been made in a directory specified in a group, no additional changeset will be produced. If the optional repository property is specified, only the changes in that repository will be grouped.

Changesets in Monorepo