Sourcegraph with Kubernetes on Azure

WARNING: This guide applies exclusively to a Kubernetes deployment without Helm. If you have not deployed Sourcegraph yet, it is highly recommended to use Helm as it simplifies the configuration and greatly simplifies the later upgrade process. See our guidance on using Helm to deploy to Azure AKS.

Install the Azure CLI tool and log in:

az login

Sourcegraph on Kubernetes requires at least 16 cores in the DSv3 family in the Azure location of your choice (e.g. eastus), so make sure you have enough available (if not, request a quota increase):

$ az vm list-usage -l eastus -o table Name CurrentValue Limit -------------------------------- -------------- ------- ... Standard DSv3 Family vCPUs 0 32 ...

Ensure that these Azure service providers are enabled:

az provider register -n Microsoft.Network az provider register -n Microsoft.Storage az provider register -n Microsoft.Compute az provider register -n Microsoft.ContainerService

Create a resource group:

az group create --name sourcegraphResourceGroup --location eastus

Create a cluster:

az aks create --resource-group sourcegraphResourceGroup --name sourcegraphCluster --node-count 1 --generate-ssh-keys --node-vm-size Standard_D16s_v3

Connect to the cluster for future kubectl commands:

az aks get-credentials --resource-group sourcegraphResourceGroup --name sourcegraphCluster

Follow the Sourcegraph cluster installation instructions with storageClass set to managed-premium in config.json:

- "storageClass": "default" + "storageClass": "managed-premium"

You can see if the pods are ready and check for installation problems through the Kubernetes dashboard:

az aks browse --resource-group sourcegraphResourceGroup --name sourcegraphCluster

Set up a load balancer to make the main web server accessible over the network to external users:

kubectl expose deployment sourcegraph-frontend --type=LoadBalancer --name=sourcegraph-load-balancer --port=80 --target-port=3080