Configure Sourcegraph with Kustomize

This guide will demonstrate how to customize a Kubernetes deployment (non-Helm) using Kustomize components.


To ensure optimal performance and functionality of your Sourcegraph deployment, please only include components listed in the kustomization.template.yaml file for your instance overlay. These components include settings that have been specifically designed and tested for Sourcegraph and do not require any additional configuration changes.

The order of components listed in the kustomization.template.yaml file is important and should be maintained. The components are listed in a specific order to ensure proper dependency management and compatibility between components. Reordering components can introduce conflicts or prevent components from interacting as expected. Only modify the component order if explicitly instructed to do so by the documentation. Otherwise, leave the component order as-is to avoid issues.

Following these guidelines will help you create a seamless deployment and avoid conflicts.

NOTE: All commands in this guide should be run from the root of the reference repository.

Base cluster

The base resources in Sourcegraph include the services that make up the main Sourcegraph apps as well as the monitoring services (tracing services and cAdvisor are not included). These services are configured to run as non-root users without privileges, ensuring a secure deployment:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml resources: # Deploy Sourcegraph main stack - ../../base/sourcegraph # Deploy Sourcegraph monitoring stack - ../../base/monitoring

To enable cluster metrics monitoring, you will need to deploy cAdvisor, which is a container resource usage monitoring service. cAdvisor is configured for Sourcegraph and can be deployed using one of the provided components. This component contains RBAC resources and must be run with privileges to ensure that it has the necessary permissions to access the container metrics.


Sourcegraph has removed Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) resources from the default base cluster for the Kustomize deployment. This means that service discovery is not enabled by default, and the endpoints for each service replica must be manually added to the frontend ConfigMap. When using the size components included in the kustomization file built for Sourcegraph, service endpoints are automatically added to the ConfigMap.


By default, all Sourcegraph services are deployed in a non-root and non-privileged mode, as defined in the base cluster.


To deploy a High Availability (HA) configured Sourcegraph instance to an RBAC-enabled cluster, you can include the privileged component and the privileged component for monitoring in your component list. This provides redundant, monitored instances of each service running as root with persistent storage, and adding the service discovery component enables automated failover and recovery by detecting backend service endpoints.

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml resources: - ../../base/sourcegraph # Deploy Sourcegraph main stack - ../../base/monitoring # Deploy Sourcegraph monitoring stack components: # Add resources for cadvisor # NOTE: cadvisor includes RBAC resources and must be run with privileges - ../../components/monitoring/cadvisor # Run Sourcegraph main stack with privilege and root # NOTE: This adds RBAC resources to the monitoring stack - ../../components/privileged # Run monitoring services with privilege and root # It also allows Prometheus to talk to the Kubernetes API for service discovery - ../../components/monitoring/privileged # Enable service discovery by adding RBACs # IMPORTANT: Include as the last component - ../../components/enable/service-discovery

Service discovery

RBAC must be enabled in your cluster for the frontend to communicate with other services through the Kubernetes API. To enable service discovery for the frontend service, Include the following component as the last component in your kustomization.yaml file:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/... # IMPORTANT: Include this as the last component - ../../components/enable/service-discovery

This will allow the frontend service to discover endpoints for each service replica and communicate with them through the Kubernetes API. Note that this component should only be added if RBAC is enabled in your cluster.

Monitoring stack

The monitoring stack for Sourcegraph, similar to the main stack, does not include RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) resources by default. As a result, some dashboards may not display any data unless cAdvisor is deployed separately with privileged access.

To deploy the monitoring stack, add the monitoring resources to the resources-list:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml resources: # Deploy Sourcegraph main stack - ../../base/sourcegraph # Deploy Sourcegraph monitoring stack - ../../base/monitoring

If RBAC is enabled in your cluster, it is highly recommended to deploy cAdvisor with privileged access to your cluster. With privileged access, cAdvisor will have the necessary permissions to gather and display detailed information about the resources used by your Sourcegraph instance. It's considered a key component for monitoring and troubleshooting. See Deploy cAdvisor below for more information.

Deploy cAdvisor

cAdvisor requires a service account and certain permissions to access and gather information about the Kubernetes cluster in order to display key metrics such as resource usage and performance data. Removing the service account and privileged access for cAdvisor could impede its ability to collect this information, resulting in missing data on Grafana dashboards and potentially impacting visibility and monitoring capabilities for the cluster and its pods. This could negatively impact the level of monitoring and visibility into the cluster's state that cAdvisor is able to provide.

To deploy cAdvisor with privileged access, include the following:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml resources: - ../../base/sourcegraph # Deploy Sourcegraph main stack - ../../base/monitoring # Deploy Sourcegraph monitoring stack components: # Add resources for cadvisor # NOTE: cadvisor includes RBAC resources and must be run with privileges - ../../components/monitoring/cadvisor # Run Sourcegraph main stack with privilege and root # NOTE: This adds RBAC resources to the monitoring stack - ../../components/privileged # Run monitoring services with privilege and root # It also allows Prometheus to talk to the Kubernetes API for service discovery - ../../components/monitoring/privileged # Enable service discovery by adding RBACs # IMPORTANT: Include as the last component - ../../components/enable/service-discovery

Prometheus targets

Skip this configuration if you are running Prometheus with RBAC permissions.

Because Sourcegraph is running without RBAC permissions in Kubernetes, it cannot auto-discover metrics endpoints to scrape metrics. As a result, Prometheus (the metrics scraper) requires a static target list (list of endpoints to scrape) provided in a ConfigMap.

The default target list ConfigMap only contains endpoints for the default and ns-sourcegraph namespaces, where Sourcegraph may be installed. If you have installed Sourcegraph in a different namespace, the provided target list will be missing those endpoints.

To accommodate this, you must update the namespace within the target list. This ensures Prometheus has the correct list of endpoints to scrape metrics from.

Step 1: Create a subdirectory called patches within the directory of your overlay:

$ mkdir -p instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/patches

Step 2: Set the SG_NAMESPACE value to your namespace in your terminal:

$ export SG_NAMESPACE=your_namespace

Step 3: Replace the value of $SG_NAMESPACE in the prometheus.ConfigMap.yaml file with your Sourcegraph namespace value set in the previous step using envsubst, and the save the output of the substitution as a new file in the patches directory created in step 1:

envsubst < base/monitoring/prometheus/prometheus.ConfigMap.yaml > instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/patches/prometheus.ConfigMap.yaml

Step 4: Add the new patch file to your overlay under patches:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml patches: - patch: patches/prometheus.ConfigMap.yaml

Following these steps will allow Prometheus to successfully scrape metrics from a Sourcegraph installation in namespaces other than default and ns-sourcegraph without RBAC Kubernetes permissions, by using a pre-defined static target list of endpoints.


Sourcegraph supports HTTP tracing to help troubleshoot issues. See Tracing for details.

To enable tracing on your Kustomize instance, you'll need to either:

  1. Deploy our bundled OpenTelemetry Collector with our bundled Jaeger backend, or
  2. Deploy our bundled OpenTelemetry Collector and configure an external tracing backend

Once a tracing backend has been deployed, see our Tracing page for next steps, including required changes to your Site Configuration to enable traces.

Deploy the bundled OpenTelemetry Collector and Jaeger

The quickest way to get started with HTTP tracing is by deploying our bundled OTel and Jaeger containers together.

Include the tracing component to deploy both OpenTelemetry and Jaeger together. This component also configures the following services:

  • otel-collector to export to this Jaeger instance
  • grafana to get metrics from this Jaeger instance
# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: # Deploy OpenTelemetry Collector and Jaeger - ../../components/monitoring/tracing

Deploy OpenTelemetry Collector to use an external tracing backend

Deploy OpenTelemetry Collector

Include the otel component to deploy OpenTelemetry Collector:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: # Deploy OpenTelemetry Collector - ../../components/monitoring/otel

Configure a tracing backend

Follow these steps to configure the otel-collector to export traces to an external OTel-compatible backend:

  1. Create a subdirectory called 'patches' within the directory of your overlay
  2. Copy and paste the base/otel-collector/otel-collector.ConfigMap.yaml file to the new patches subdirectory
  3. In the copied file, make the necessary changes to the exporters and service blocks to connect to your backend based on the documentation linked above
  4. Include the following content in your overlay:
# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/otel-collector/backend patches: - patch: patches/otel-collector.ConfigMap.yaml

The component will update the command for the otel-collector container to "--config=/etc/otel-collector/conf/config.yaml", which is now pointing to the mounted config.

See the OpenTelemetry page for details on how to configure your backend of choice.


Recommended namespace: ns-sourcegraph

Some resources and components (e.g. Prometheus) are pre-configured to work with the default and ns-sourcegraph namespaces only and require additional configurations when running in a different namespace. Please refer to the Prometheus section for more details.

Set namespace

To set a namespace for all your Sourcegraph resources, update the namespace field to an existing namespace in your cluster:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml namespace: ns-sourcegraph

This will set namespace to the namespace value (ns-sourcegraph in this example) for all your Sourcegraph resources.

NOTE: This step assumes that the namespace already exists in your cluster. If the namespace does not exist, you will need to create one before applying the overlay.

Create a namespace

To create a new namespace, include the utils/namespace component in your overlay.

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml namespace: ns-sourcegraph components: - ../../components/resources/namespace

This component will create a new namespace using the namespace value (ns-sourcegraph in this example).


Properly allocating resources is crucial for ensuring optimal performance of your Sourcegraph instance. To ensure this, it is recommended to use one of the provided sizes components for resource allocation, specifically designed for your instance size. These components have been tested and optimized based on load test results, and are designed to work seamlessly with Sourcegraph's design and functionality.

Instance-size-based resources

To allocate resources based on your instance size:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: # Include ONE of the sizes component based on your instance size - ../../components/sizes/xs - ../../components/sizes/s - ../../components/sizes/m - ../../components/sizes/l - ../../components/sizes/xl

Adjust storage sizes

You can adjust storage size for different services in the STORAGE SIZES section with patches.

Here is an example on how to adjust the storage sizes for different services:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/sizes/l # [STORAGE SIZES] patches: # `pgsql` to 500Gi - target: kind: PersistentVolumeClaim name: pgsql patch: |- - op: replace path: /spec/resources/requests/storage value: 500Gi # `redis-store` & `redis-cache` to 200Gi - target: kind: PersistentVolumeClaim name: redis-store|redis-cache patch: |- - op: replace path: /spec/resources/requests/storage value: 200Gi # `gitserver` & `indexed-search` to 1000Gi - target: kind: StatefulSet name: gitserver|indexed-search patch: |- - op: replace path: /spec/volumeClaimTemplates/0/spec/resources/requests/storage value: 1000Gi

Custom resources allocation

WARNING: Only available in version 4.5.0 or above

In cases where adjusting resource allocation (e.g. replica count, resource limits, etc.) is necessary, it is important to follow the instructions provided below.

NOTE: The built-in replica transformer is currently not supported unless being used as a component.

Step 1: Create a copy of the components/custom/resources directory inside your overlay directory instances/$INSTANCE_NAME

Rename it to custom-resources:

# rename the directory from 'custom/resources' to 'custom-resources' $ cp -R components/custom/resources instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/custom-resources

Step 2: In the newly copied instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/custom-resources/kustomization.yaml file:

  1. uncomment the patches for the services you would like to adjust resources for, and then;
  2. update the resource values accordingly

For example, the following patches update the resources for:

  • gitserver
    • increase replica count to 2
    • adjust resources limits and requests
  • pgsql
    • increase storage size to 500Gi
# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/custom-resources/kustomization.yaml patches: - patch: |- apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: StatefulSet metadata: name: gitserver spec: replicas: 2 template: spec: containers: - name: gitserver resources: limits: cpu: "8" memory: 32G requests: cpu: "1" memory: 2G - patch: |- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: pgsql spec: resources: requests: storage: 500Gi

WARNING: Please make sure the patches for services you are not adjusting resources for are left uncommented. Do not remove patches/update-endpoints.yaml.

Step 3: In the instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml file, add the custom-resources directory created in step 1 to your components-list under the Resource Allocation section:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - custom-resources

WARNING: If service-discovery is not enabled for the sourcegraph-frontend service, the instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/custom-resources/endpoint-update.yaml file within the patches subdirectory is responsible for updating the relevant variables for the frontend to generate the endpoint addresses for each service replica. It should not be removed at any point.

Remove securityContext

The remove/security-context component removes all the securityContext configurations pre-defined in base.

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/remove/security-context

Remove DaemonSets

If you do not have permission to deploy DaemonSets, you can include the remove/daemonset component to remove all services with DaemonSets resources (e.g. node-exporter) from the monitoring resources:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml resources: # Deploy Sourcegraph main stack - ../../base/sourcegraph # Deploy Sourcegraph monitoring stack - ../../base/monitoring components: # Make sure the cAdvisor and otel are excluded from the components list # As they both include daemonset # - ../../components/monitoring/cadvisor # - ../../components/monitoring/otel # component to remove all daemonsets from the monitoring stack - ../../components/remove/daemonset

NOTE: If monitoring is not included under resources, adding the remove/daemonset component would result in errors because there will be no daemonsets to remove.

Storage class

A storage class is required for all persistent volume claims by default. It must be configured and created before deploying Sourcegraph to your cluster. See the official documentation for more information about configuring persistent volumes.

Google Cloud Platform

Step 1: Read and follow the official documentation for enabling the persistent disk CSI driver on a new or existing cluster.

Step 2: Include the GCP storage class component to the kustomization.yaml file for your Kustomize overlay:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/storage-class/gcp

The component takes care of creating a new storage class named sourcegraph with the following configurations:

  • Provisioner:
  • SSD: types: pd-ssd

It also updates the storage class name for all resources to sourcegraph.

Additional documentation for more information.

Amazon Web Services

Step 1: Follow the official instructions to deploy the Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver.

Step 2: Include one of the AWS storage class components in your overlay: storage-class/aws/eks or storage-class/aws/ebs

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: # Set provisioner to `` - ../../components/storage-class/aws/aws-ebs # Set provisioner to `` - ../../components/storage-class/aws/ebs-csi

Additional documentation for more information.


WARNING: If you are deploying on Azure, you must ensure that your cluster is created with support for CSI storage drivers (link). This can not be enabled after the fact

Step 1: Follow the official instructions to deploy the Container Storage Interface (CSI) drivers.

Step 2: Include the azure storage class component to the kustomization.yaml file for your Kustomize overlay:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/storage-class/azure

This component creates a new storage class named sourcegraph in your cluster with the following configurations:

  • provisioner:
  • parameters.storageaccounttype: Premium_LRS
    • This configures SSDs and is highly recommended.
    • A Premium VM is required.

Additional documentation for more information.


Configure to use the default storage class local-path in a k3s cluster:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/storage-class/k3s


If you are using Trident as your storage orchestrator, you must have fsType defined in your storageClass for it to respect the volume ownership required by Sourcegraph. When fsType is not set, all the files within the cluster will be owned by user 99 (NOBODY), resulting in permission issues for all Sourcegraph databases.

Add one of the available storage-class/trident/$FSTYPE components to the kustomization.yaml file for your Kustomize overlay based on your fsType:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: # -- fsType: ext3 - ../../components/storage-class/trident/ext3 # -- fsType: ext4 - ../../components/storage-class/trident/ext4 # -- fsType: xfs - ../../components/storage-class/trident/xfs

Other cloud providers

To use an existing storage class provided by other cloud providers:

Step 1: Include the storage-class/name-update component to your overlay:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/storage-class/name-update

Step 2: Enter the value of your existing storage class name in your buildConfig.yaml file using the STORAGECLASS_NAME config key

Example, add STORAGECLASS_NAME=sourcegraph if sourcegraph is the name for the existing storage class:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/buildConfig.yaml kind: SourcegraphBuildConfig metadata: name: sourcegraph-kustomize-config data: STORAGECLASS_NAME: sourcegraph # [ACTION] Set storage class name here

The storage-class/name-update component updates the storageClassName field for all associated resources to the STORAGECLASS_NAME value set in step 2.

Update storageClassName

To updates the storageClassName field for all associated resources:

Step 1: Include the storage-class/name-update component to your overlay:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/storage-class/name-update

Step 2: Enter the value of your existing storage class name in your buildConfig.yaml file using the STORAGECLASS_NAME config key

Example, set STORAGECLASS_NAME=sourcegraph if sourcegraph is the name for the existing storage class:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/buildConfig.yaml data: STORAGECLASS_NAME: sourcegraph # [ACTION] Set storage class name here

The storage-class/name-update component updates the storageClassName field for all associated resources to the STORAGECLASS_NAME value set in step 2.

Create a custom storage class

To create a custom storage class:

Step 1: Include the storage-class/cloud component to your overlay:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/storage-class/cloud

Update the following variables in your buildConfig.yaml file. Replace them with the correct values according to the instructions provided by your cloud provider:


IMPORTANT: Make sure to create the storage class in your cluster before deploying Sourcegraph

Network access

To allow external users to access the main web server, you need to configure it to be reachable over the network.

We recommend using the ingress-nginx ingress controller for production environments.

Ingress controller

To utilize the sourcegraph-frontend ingress, you'll need to install a NGINX ingress controller (ingress-nginx) in your cluster. Follow the official instructions at to install the ingress-nginx controller in your cluster.

Alternatively, you can build the manifests using one of our pre-configured ingress-nginx-controller overlays:

# Build manifests for AWS $ kubectl kustomize examples/ingress-controller/aws -o ingress-controller.yaml # Build manifests for other cloud providers $ kubectl kustomize examples/ingress-controller/cloud -o ingress-controller.yaml # Deploy to cluster after reviewing the manifests in ingress-controller.yaml $ kubectl apply -f ingress-controller.yaml

Check the external address by running the following command and look for the LoadBalancer entry:

$ kubectl -n ingress-nginx get svc

Verify that the ingress-nginx IP is accessible. If you are having trouble accessing Sourcegraph, see Troubleshooting ingress-nginx for further assistance. The namespace of the ingress-controller is ingress-nginx.

Once you have completed the installation process for Sourcegraph, run the following command to check if an IP address has been assigned to your ingress resource. This IP address or the configured URL can then be used to access Sourcegraph in your browser.

$ kubectl get ingress sourcegraph-frontend NAME CLASS HOSTS ADDRESS PORTS AGE sourcegraph-frontend <none> 80, 443 1d


To ensure secure communication, it is recommended to enable Transport Layer Security (TLS) and properly configure a certificate on your Ingress. This can be done by utilizing managed certificate solutions provided by cloud providers or by manually configuring a certificate.

To manually configure a certificate via TLS Secrets, follow these steps:

Step 1: Move the tls.crt and tls.key files to the root of your overlay directory (e.g. instances/$INSTANCE_NAME).

Step 2: Include the following lines in your overlay to generate secrets with the provided files:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml > [SECRETS GENERATOR] secretGenerator: - name: sourcegraph-frontend-tls behavior: create files: - tls.crt - tls.key

This will create a new Secret resource named sourcegraph-frontend-tls that contains the encoded cert and key:

# cluster.yaml - output file after running build apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret type: metadata: name: sourcegraph-frontend-tls-99dh8g92m5 namespace: $YOUR_NAMESPACE data: tls.crt: | LS...FUlRJRklDQVRFLS0tLS0= tls.key: | LS...SSVZBVEUgS0VZLS0tLS0= # the data is abbreviated in this example

Step 3: Configure the TLS settings of your Ingress by adding the following variables to your buildConfig.yaml file:

  • TLS_HOST: your domain name
  • TLS_INGRESS_CLASS_NAME: ingress class name required by your cluster-issuer
  • TLS_CLUSTER_ISSUER: name of the cluster-issuer


# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/buildConfig.yaml data: # [ACTION] Set values below TLS_HOST: TLS_INGRESS_CLASS_NAME: example-ingress-class-name TLS_CLUSTER_ISSUER: letsencrypt

Step 4: Include the tls component:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/network/tls

TLS with Let’s Encrypt

Alternatively, you can configure cert-manager with Let’s Encrypt in your cluster. Then, follow the steps listed above for configuring TLS certificate via TLS Secrets manually. However, when adding the variables to the [buildConfig.yaml/admin/deploy/kubernetes/kustomize/#buildconfig-yaml) file, set TLS_CLUSTER_ISSUER=letsencrypt to include the cert-manager with Let's Encrypt.

TLS secret name

If the name of your secret for TLS is not sourcegraph-frontend-tls, you can replace it using the $TLS_SECRET_NAME config key:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/buildConfig.yaml data: # [ACTION] Set values below TLS_SECRET_NAME: sourcegraph-tls

Then, include the tls-secretname component:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/network/tls-secretname


Configuration options for ingress installed for sourcegraph-frontend.


Component to configure Ingress to use AWS Load Balancer Controller to expose Sourcegraph publicly by updating annotation to alb in frontend ingress.

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/ingress/alb


Component to configure network access for GKE clusters with HTTP load balancing enabled.

It also adds a BackendConfig CRD. This is necessary to instruct the GCP load balancer on how to perform health checks on our deployment.

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/ingress/gke


Component to configure Ingress to use the default HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer traefik in k3s clusters.

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/ingress/k3s


To configure the hostname for your Sourcegraph ingress, follow these steps:

Step 1: In your buildConfig.yaml file, include the HOST_DOMAIN variable and set it to your desired hostname, for example:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/buildConfig.yaml data: # [ACTION] Set values below HOST_DOMAIN:

Step 2: Include the hostname component in your components.

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/ingress/hostname

This will configure the hostname for the ingress resource, allowing external users to access Sourcegraph using the specified hostname.


The Sourcegraph frontend service is configured as a ClusterIP by default, which allows it to be accessed within the Kubernetes cluster using a stable IP address provided by Kubernetes. If you want to make the frontend service accessible from outside the cluster, you can use the network/nodeport or network/loadbalancer components.


The network/nodeport component creates a frontend service of type NodePort, making it accessible by using the IP address of any node in the cluster, along with the specified nodePort value (30080).

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/network/nodeport/30080


The network/loadbalancer component sets the type of the frontend service as LoadBalancer, which provisions a load balancer and makes the service accessible from outside the cluster.

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/network/loadbalancer


To configure ingress-nginx annotations for the Sourcegraph frontend ingress:

Step 1: Create a subdirectory called 'patches' within the directory of your overlay

$ mkdir -p instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/patches

Step 2: Copy the frontend-ingress-annotations.yaml patch file from the components/patches directory to the new patches subdirectory

$ cp components/patches/frontend-ingress-annotations.yaml instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/patches/frontend-ingress-annotations.yaml

Step 3: Add the additional annotations at the end of the new patch file

Step 4: Include the patch file in your overlay under patches:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/... # ... patches: - patch: patches/frontend-ingress.annotations.yaml

This will add the annotations specified in your copy of the frontend-ingress-annotations.yaml file to the sourcegraph-frontend ingress resource. For more information on ingress-nginx annotations, refer to the NGINX Configuration documentation.


To configure network policy for your Sourcegraph installation, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a namespace for your Sourcegraph deployment as described in the namespace section.

  2. Include the network-policy component:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/network-policy
  1. Apply the network-policy component to your cluster. This will create a NetworkPolicy resource that only allows traffic between pods in the namespace labeled with name: sourcegraph-prod

  2. If you need to allow traffic to external services or ingress traffic from the outside to the frontend, you will need to augment the example NetworkPolicy. You can check out this collection of NetworkPolicies to get started.

NOTE: You should check with your cluster administrator to ensure that NetworkPolicy is supported in your cluster.

Network rule

Add a network rule that allows incoming traffic on port 30080 (HTTP) to at least one node. Note that this configuration does not include support for Transport Layer Security (TLS).

Google Cloud Platform Firewall

  • Expose the necessary ports.
$ gcloud compute --project=$PROJECT firewall-rules create sourcegraph-frontend-http --direction=INGRESS --priority=1000 --network=default --action=ALLOW --rules=tcp:30080
  • Include the nodeport component to change the type of the sourcegraph-frontend service from ClusterIP to NodePort with the nodeport component:
# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/network/nodeport/30080
  • Directly applying this change to a running service will fail. You must first delete the old service before redeploying a new one (with a few seconds of downtime):
$ kubectl delete svc sourcegraph-frontend
  • Find a node name.
$ kubectl get pods -l app=sourcegraph-frontend -o=custom-columns=NODE:.spec.nodeName
  • Get the EXTERNAL-IP address (will be ephemeral unless you make it static).
$ kubectl get node $NODE -o wide

Learn more about Google Cloud Platform Firewall rules.

AWS Security Group

Sourcegraph should now be accessible at $EXTERNAL_ADDR:30080, where $EXTERNAL_ADDR is the address of any node in the cluster.

Learn more about AWS Security Group rules.

Rancher Kubernetes Engine

If your Rancher Kubernetes Engine (RKE) cluster is configured to use NodePort, include the network/nodeport/custom component to change the port type for sourcegraph-frontend service from ClusterIP to NodePort to use nodePort: 30080:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/network/nodeport/30080

NOTE: Check with your upstream admin for the correct nodePort value.

Service mesh

There are a few known issues when running Sourcegraph with service mesh. We recommend including the network/envoy component in your components list to bypass the issue where Envoy, the proxy used by Istio, breaks Sourcegraph search function by dropping proxied trailers for HTTP/1 requests.

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/network/envoy

Environment variables


To update the environment variables for the sourcegraph-frontend service, add the new environment variables to the end of the FRONTEND ENV VARS section at the bottom of your kustomization file. For example:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/... configMapGenerator: - name: sourcegraph-frontend-env behavior: merge literals: - DEPLOY_TYPE=kustomize - NEW_ENV_VAR=NEW_VALUE

These values will be automatically merged with the environment variables currently listed in the ConfigMap for frontend.

WARNING: You must restart frontend for the updated values to be activated


You can update environment variables for gitserver with patches:

For example, to add new environment variables SRC_ENABLE_GC_AUTO and SRC_ENABLE_SG_MAINTENANCE:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml patches: - target: name: gitserver kind: StatefulSet patch: |- - op: add path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/- value: name: SRC_ENABLE_GC_AUTO value: "true" - op: add path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/- value: name: SRC_ENABLE_SG_MAINTENANCE value: "false"


You can update environment variables for searcher with patches.

For example, to update the value for SEARCHER_CACHE_SIZE_MB:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml patches: - target: name: searcher kind: StatefulSet|Deployment patch: |- - op: replace path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/0 value: name: SEARCHER_CACHE_SIZE_MB value: "50000"


You can update environment variables for searcher with patches.

For example, to update the value for SYMBOLS_CACHE_SIZE_MB:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml patches: - target: name: symbols kind: StatefulSet|Deployment patch: |- - op: replace path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/env/0 value: name: SYMBOLS_CACHE_SIZE_MB value: "50000"

External services

You can use an external or managed version of PostgreSQL and Redis with your Sourcegraph instance. For detailed information as well as the requirements for each service, please see our docs on using external services with Sourcegraph.

External Secrets

For ensuring password protection, it is recommended to use External Secrets to manage your secrets.

To create a kubernetes secret you can use the following command:

kubectl create secret generic pgsql-secret --from-literal=password=YOUR_SECURE_PASSWORD_HERE

Then replace the password in the yaml files it's located in, based on the deployment method you are using. Below is the example Helm deployment files modified to reference this secret.

# sourcegraph-frontend.Deployment.yaml spec: template: spec: containers: - name: frontend env: - name: PGPASSWORD valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: pgsql-secret key: password

You can then drop the environment variable PGPASSWORD from the default deployment.

Similar changes will be required for other pods and services, depending on the secret being used. It's recommended to read the official documentation to understand how Kubernetes secrets work.

External Postgres

For optimal performance and resilience, it is recommended to use an external database when deploying Sourcegraph. For more information on database requirements, please refer to the Postgres guide.

To connect Sourcegraph to an existing PostgreSQL instance, add the relevant environment variables (such as PGHOST, PGPORT, PGUSER, etc.) to the frontend ConfigMap by adding the new environment variables to the end of the FRONTEND ENV VARS section at the bottom of your kustomization file. For example:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/... configMapGenerator: - name: sourcegraph-frontend-env behavior: merge literals: - DEPLOY_TYPE=kustomize - PGHOST=NEW_PGHOST - PGPORT=NEW_PGPORT

WARNING: You must restart frontend for the updated values to be activated

External Redis

Sourcegraph supports specifying an external Redis server with these environment variables:

When using an external Redis server, the corresponding environment variable must also be added to the following services:

  • sourcegraph-frontend
  • repo-updater
  • gitserver
  • searcher
  • symbols
  • worker

Step 1: Include the services/redis component in your components:

This adds the new environment variables for redis to the services listed above.

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/services/redis

Step 2: Set the following variable in your [buildConfig.yaml/admin/deploy/kubernetes/kustomize/#buildconfig-yaml) file:


WARNING: You must restart frontend for the updated values to be activated

SSH for cloning

Sourcegraph will clone repositories using SSH credentials when the id_rsa and known_hosts files are mounted at /home/sourcegraph/.ssh (or /root/.ssh when the cluster is run by root users) in the gitserver deployment.

WARNING: Do not commit the actual id_rsa and known_hosts files to any public repository.

To mount the files through Kustomize:

Step 1: Copy the required files to the configs folder at the same level as your overlay's kustomization.yaml file

Step 2: Include the following in your overlay to generate secrets that base64 encoded the values in those files

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml > [SECRETS GENERATOR] secretGenerator: - name: gitserver-ssh files: - configs/id_rsa - configs/known_hosts

Step 3: Include the following component to mount the secret as a volume in gitserver.StatefulSet.yaml.

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: # Enable SSH to clone repositories as non-root user (default) - ../../components/enable/ssh/non-root # Enable SSH to clone repositories as root user - ../../components/enable/ssh/root

NOTE: If you are running Sourcegraph with privileges using our privileged component, you are most likely running Sourcegraph with root access and should use the ssh/root component to enable SSH cloning.

Step 4: Update code host configuration

Update your code host configuration file to enable ssh cloning. For example, set gitURLType to ssh for GitHub. See the external service docs for the correct setting for your code host.


Arbitrary users

Our Postgres databases can only be run with the UIDs defined by the upstream images, for example, UID 70 and GID 70--this could cause permission issues for clusters that run pods with arbitrary users. This can be resolved with the utils/uid component created based on one of the solutions suggested by Postgres on their official docker page.

The utils/uid component bind-mount /etc/passwd as read-only through hostpath so that you can run the containers with valid users on your host.

components: - ../../components/utils/uid

Add license key

Sourcegraph's Kubernetes deployment requires an Enterprise license key.

Once you have a license key, add it to your site configuration.

Filtering cAdvisor metrics

cAdvisor can pick up metrics for services unrelated to the Sourcegraph deployment running on the same nodes (Learn more) when running with privileges. To work around this:

1. Create a subdirectory called 'patches' within the directory of your overlay

$ mkdir instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/patches

2. Create a copy of the prometheus.ConfigMap.yaml file in the new patches subdirectory

mv base/monitoring/prometheus/rbacs/prometheus.ConfigMap.yaml instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/patches/prometheus.ConfigMap.yaml

3. In the copied ConfigMap file, add the following under metric_relabel_configs for the kubernetes-pods job:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/patches/prometheus.ConfigMap.yaml - job_name: 'kubernetes-pods' metric_relabel_configs: - source_labels: [container_label_io_kubernetes_pod_namespace] regex: ^$|ns-sourcegraph # ACTION: replace ns-sourcegraph with your namespace action: keep

Replace ns-sourcegraph with your namespace, e.g. regex: ^$|your_namespace.

4. Add the patches to your overlay:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml patches: - patch: patches/prometheus.ConfigMap.yaml

This will cause Prometheus to drop all metrics from cAdvisor that are not services running in the specified namespace.

Private registry

Step 1: To update all image names with your private registry, e.g. to, include the private-registry component:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/enable/private-registry

Step 2: Set the PRIVATE_REGISTRY variable in your buildConfig.yaml file. For example:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/buildConfig.yaml data: PRIVATE_REGISTRY: # -- Replace ''

Add imagePullSecrets

To add imagePullSecrets to all resources:

Step 1: Include the imagepullsecrets component.

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/resources/imagepullsecrets

Step 2: Set the IMAGE_PULL_SECRET_NAME variable in your buildConfig.yaml file.

For example:


Alternative: You can add the following patch under patches, and replace YOUR_SECRET_NAME with the name of your secret.

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml patches: - patch: |- - op: add path: /spec/template/spec/imagePullSecrets value: name: YOUR_SECRET_NAME target: group: apps kind: StatefulSet|Deployment|DaemonSet version: v1

Multi-version upgrade

In order to perform a multi-version upgrade, all pods must be scaled down to 0 except databases, which can be handled by including the utils/multi-version-upgrade component:

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/utils/multi-version-upgrade

After completing the multi-version-upgrade process, exclude the component to allow the pods to scale back to their original number as defined in your overlay.

Migrate from Privileged to Non-privileged

To migrate an existing deployment from root to non-root environment, you must first transfer ownership of all data directories to the specified non-root users for each service using the utils/migrate-to-nonprivileged component.

After transferring ownerships, you can redeploy the instance with non-privileged configurations.

# instances/$INSTANCE_NAME/kustomization.yaml components: - ../../components/utils/migrate-to-nonprivileged

Outbound Traffic

When working with an Internet Gateway or VPC it may be necessary to expose ports for outbound network traffic. Sourcegraph must open port 443 for outbound traffic to code hosts, and to enable telemetry with Port 22 must also be opened to enable git SSH cloning by Sourcegraph. In addition, please make sure to apply other required changes to secure your cluster in a manner that meets your organization's security requirements.


See the Troubleshooting docs.