OpenCtx Context Providers
Use additional context sources from outside of your codebase by leveraging OpenCtx providers.
OpenCtx is an open standard for bringing contextual info about code into your dev tools. Cody Free and Pro users can use OpenCtx providers to fetch and use context from the following sources:
- Webpages (via URL) (enabled in Cody by default)
- Jira tickets
- Linear issues
- Notion pages
- Google Docs
- Slack
- Storybook
- Sourcegraph code search
Enable OpenCtx context providers
To try OpenCtx context providers with Cody, you must add to your VS Code extension settings. Go to Cody Settings, and check the box for OpenCtx: Enable. This will enable OpenCtx. You don't need the OpenCtx VS Code extension to use context fetching with OpenCtx. You should uninstall the extension before using this feature in Cody.
For example, to use the DevDocs provider, add the following to your settings.json
JSON"openctx.providers": { "": { "urls": ["", ""] } },
Please refer to the context providers docs for instructions and examples of configuring other providers such as Confluence, Jira, GitHub, Slack, Notion, Linear Issues, Linear Docs, Google Docs, and more.