Auto-indexing configuration reference

This feature is in beta for self-hosted customers.

This document details the expected contents of explicit index job configuration for a particular repository. Depending on how this configuration is supplied, it may be encoded as JSON.


The root of the configuration has one top-level key, index_jobs, documented below.


The index jobs field defines a set of index job objects describing the actions to perform to successfully index a fresh clone of a repository. Each index job is executed independently (and possibly in parallel) by an executor.

Index job object

Each configured index job is run by a single executor process. Multiple index jobs configured for the same repository may be executed by different executor instances, out of order, and possibly in parallel.

The basic outline of an index job is as follows.

  1. The target repository is cloned into the job's workspace from Sourcegraph.
  2. Pre-indexing steps (if any are configured) are executed sequentially in individual Docker containers that volume mount the workspace.
  3. A separate Docker container for the indexer is started.
  4. Local steps (if configured) are executed within the running container.
  5. The indexer is invoked within the running container to produce an index artifact.
  6. The src CLI binary is invoked to upload the index artifact to the Sourcegraph instance.

The pre-indexing steps, indexer container, local steps, and indexer arguments are configurable via this object.


Each indexing job object can be configured with the following keys.


The steps field defines an ordered sequence of pre-indexing actions (formatted as a Docker step object). Each step is executed before the indexer itself is invoked.


The name of the Docker image distribution of the target indexer.


An ordered sequence of commands to execute within a container running the configured indexer image. These commands are passed directly into the target container via docker exec, one at a time. Local steps should be used over Docker steps when the intended side effects alter state outside of the workspace on disk (e.g., setting up environment variables or installing OS packages require by the indexer tool).


An ordered sequence of arguments that make up the indexing command. The indexing command is passed directly into the target container via docker exec. This step is expected to produce a code graph index artifact (as described by the root and outfile fields, described below).


The working directory within the Docker container where the provided local steps and indexer commands are executed. This working directory is relative to the root of the target repository. An empty value (the default) indicates the root of the repository. This is also the directory relative to the path where the code graph index artifact is produced.


The path to the code graph index artifact produced by the indexer, which is uploaded to the target Sourcegraph instance via src CLI after the index step has completed successfully. This path is relative to the index job root (defined above). If not supplied, the value is assumed to be dump.lsif (which is the default artifact name of many indexers).

Supply this argument when the target indexer produces a differently named artifact. Alternatively, some indexers provide flags to change the artifact name; in which case dump.lsif can be supplied there and a value for this key can be omitted.


List of environment variables needed. These are made accessible to steps, local_steps, and the indexer_args command.


The following example uses the Docker image sourcegraph/scip-go pinned at the tag v0.1 and additionally secured with an image digest. This index configuration runs the Go indexer with quiet output in the dev/sg directory and uploads the resulting index file (index.scip by default).

{ "indexer": "sourcegraph/scip-go:v0.1@sha256::39c1495...55391cc", "indexer_args": [ "scip-go", "-q", ], "root": "dev/sg" }

The following example uses the Docker image sourcegraph/scip-typescript pinned at the tag autoindex. This index configuration will run npm install followed by the TypeScript indexer scip-typescript in the editors/code directory. In this job, both commands run in the same workspace, but are invoked in different Docker containers. Both containers happen to be based on the same image, but that's not necessary.

Note: sourcegraph/scip-typescript does not define a Docker entrypoint, so we need to indicate which binary to invoke (along with any additional arguments).

{ "steps": [ { "image": "sourcegraph/scip-typescript:autoindex", "commands": [ "npm install" ], "root": "editors/code" } ], "indexer": "sourcegraph/scip-typescript:autoiondex", "indexer_args": [ "scip-typescript", "index" ], "root": "editors/code" }

Docker step object

Each configured Docker step is executed sequentially using the same volume-mounted workspace, which is initially seeded with a fresh clone of the target repository. If the contents of the workspace is modified by one step, the changes will be visible in the next. This makes Docker steps especially useful for pre-indexing tasks that require modification of the source code, such as dependency resolution (e.g., npm install, go mod download) and code generation (e.g., go generate ./...) required for successful compilation or indexing of the project.


Each Docker step object can be configured with the following keys.


The name of the Docker image in which the configured commands are executed.


An ordered sequence of commands to execute within a container running the configured image. These commands are passed directly into the target container via docker exec, one at a time.


The working directory within the Docker container where the provided commands are executed. This working directory is relative to the root of the target repository. An empty value (the default) indicates the root of the repository.


The following example runs go generate over all packages in the root of the repository.

{ "indexer": "golang:1.17.3-buster@sha256:c1bae5f...3e4f07b", "commands": [ "go generate ./..." ] }

The following example runs a series of commands to install dependencies in the lib/proj directory.

{ "indexer": "node:alpine3.12@sha256:4435145...fd06fd3", "commands": [ "yarn config set ignore-engines true", "yarn install" ], "root": "lib/proj" }