Native Execution

This feature is in beta and is available in Sourcegraph 5.1.0 and later.

Native Execution is an image that runs Batch Changes without requiring src-cli to be installed on the Executor machine.

Native Execution is required when running Batch Changes in Kubernetes. No docker-in-docker or privileged containers are required.

This is also useful for environments where it is difficult to install src-cli on the Executor machine, e.g. air-gap environments.


Native Execution is configured using a feature flag. To enable it,

  1. Go to Site admin
  2. Under Configuration select Feature flags
  3. Select Create feature flag
  4. Enter native-ssbc-execution as the Name
  5. Select Boolean as the Type
  6. Set the Value to True

Docker Image

The Native Execution Docker image is available on Docker Hub at sourcegraph/batcheshelper.

The default image (sourcegraph/batcheshelper:${VERSION}) can be overridden by updating the following in the Site configuration

  • executors.batcheshelperImage
  • executors.batcheshelperImageTag


The Docker Images that execute the actual Batch Change step require tee to be available on the image. Without tee, the output of the step cannot be captured properly for template variable rendering.