Install single-container Sourcegraph with Docker on Google Cloud
This tutorial shows you how to deploy single-container Sourcegraph with Docker to a single node running on Google Cloud.
NOTE: We do not recommend using this method for a production instance. If deploying a production instance, see our recommendations for how to choose a deployment type that suits your needs. We recommend Docker Compose for most initial production deployments.
Deploy to Google Cloud VM
Open your Google Cloud console to create a new VM instance and click Create Instance
Choose an appropriate machine type (we recommend at least 2 vCPU and 7.5 GB RAM, more depending on team size and number of repositories/languages enabled)
Choose Ubuntu 16.04 LTS as your boot disk
Check the boxes for Allow HTTP traffic and Allow HTTPS traffic in the Firewall section
Open the Management, disks, networking, and SSH keys dropdown section and add the following in the Startup script field:
#!/usr/bin/env bash curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" sudo apt-get update apt-cache policy docker-ce sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce mkdir -p /root/.sourcegraph/config mkdir -p /root/.sourcegraph/data docker run -d --publish 80:7080 --publish 443:7443 --restart unless-stopped --volume /root/.sourcegraph/config:/etc/sourcegraph --volume /root/.sourcegraph/data:/var/opt/sourcegraph sourcegraph/server:6.1.0SHELL -
Create your VM, then navigate to its public IP address.
If you have configured a DNS entry for the IP, configure
to reflect that.
Update your Sourcegraph version
To update to the most recent version of Sourcegraph (X.Y.Z), SSH into your instance and run the following:
SHELLdocker ps # get the $CONTAINER_ID of the running sourcegraph/server container docker rm -f $CONTAINER_ID docker run -d ... sourcegraph/server:X.Y.Z
Using an external database for persistence
The Docker container has its own internal PostgreSQL and Redis databases. To preserve this data when you kill and recreate the container, you can use external services for persistence, such as Google Cloud's Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL, Cloud Memorystore, and Cloud Storage for storing user uploads.
NOTE: Use of external databases requires Sourcegraph Enterprise.