Install single-container Sourcegraph with Docker on DigitalOcean
This tutorial shows you how to deploy single-container Sourcegraph with Docker to a single node running on DigitalOcean.
NOTE: We do not recommend using this method for a production instance. If deploying a production instance, see our recommendations for how to choose a deployment type that suits your needs. We recommend Docker Compose for most initial production deployments.
Run Sourcegraph on a Digital Ocean Droplet
Create a new Digital Ocean Droplet. Set the operating system to be Ubuntu 18.04. For droplet size, we recommend at least 4GB RAM and 2 CPU, but you may need more depending on team size and number of repositories. We recommend you set up SSH access (Authentication > SSH keys) for convenient access to the droplet.
SSH into the droplet, and install Docker:
snap install docker
Run the Sourcegraph Docker image as a daemon:
docker run -d --publish 80:7080 --publish 443:7443 --restart unless-stopped --volume /root/.sourcegraph/config:/etc/sourcegraph --volume /root/.sourcegraph/data:/var/opt/sourcegraph sourcegraph/server:6.1.5633SHELL -
Navigate to the droplet's IP address to finish initializing Sourcegraph. If you have configured a DNS entry for the IP, configure
to reflect that.
After initialization
After initial setup, we recommend you do the following:
- Restrict the accessibility of ports other than
via Cloud Firewalls. - Set up TLS/SSL in the NGINX configuration.
Update your Sourcegraph version
To update to the most recent version of Sourcegraph (X.Y.Z), SSH into your instance and run the following:
SHELLdocker ps # get the $CONTAINER_ID of the running sourcegraph/server container docker rm -f $CONTAINER_ID docker run -d ... sourcegraph/server:X.Y.Z