Install single-container Sourcegraph with Docker on AWS
This tutorial shows you how to deploy single-container Sourcegraph with Docker to a single EC2 instance on AWS.
NOTE: We do not recommend using this method for a production instance. If deploying a production instance, see our recommendations for how to choose a deployment type that suits your needs. We recommend Docker Compose for most initial production deployments.
Deploy to EC2
Click Launch Instance from your EC2 dashboard.
Select the Amazon Linux 2 AMI (HVM), SSD Volume Type.
Select an appropriate instance size (we recommend
, depending on team size and number of repositories/languages enabled), then Next: Configure Instance Details -
Ensure the Auto-assign Public IP option is "Enable". This ensures your instance is accessible to the Internet.
Add the following user data (as text) in the Advanced Details section:
#cloud-config repo_update: true repo_upgrade: all runcmd: # Create the directory structure for Sourcegraph data - mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/.sourcegraph/config - mkdir -p /home/ec2-user/.sourcegraph/data # Install, configure, and enable Docker - yum update -y - amazon-linux-extras install docker - systemctl enable --now --no-block docker - sed -i -e 's/1024/10240/g' /etc/sysconfig/docker - sed -i -e 's/4096/40960/g' /etc/sysconfig/docker - usermod -a -G docker ec2-user # Install and run Sourcegraph. Restart the container upon subsequent reboots - [ sh, -c, 'docker run -d --publish 80:7080 --publish 443:7080 --publish --restart unless-stopped --volume /home/ec2-user/.sourcegraph/config:/etc/sourcegraph --volume /home/ec2-user/.sourcegraph/data:/var/opt/sourcegraph sourcegraph/server:6.1.0' ]SHELL -
Select Next: ... until you get to the Configure Security Group page. Then add the following rules:
- Default HTTP rule: port range
, source0.0.0.0/0, ::/0
- Default HTTPS rule: port range
, source0.0.0.0/0, ::/0
- (NOTE: additional work will be required later on to configure NGINX to support SSL)
- Default HTTP rule: port range
Launch your instance, then navigate to its public IP in your browser. (This can be found by navigating to the instance page on EC2 and looking in the "Description" panel for the "IPv4 Public IP" value.) You may have to wait a minute or two for the instance to finish initializing before Sourcegraph becomes accessible. You can monitor the status by SSHing into the EC2 instance and viewing the logs:
SHELLdocker logs $(docker ps | grep sourcegraph/server | awk '{ print $1 }')
If you have configured a domain name to point to the IP, configure
to reflect that.
Update your Sourcegraph version
To update to the most recent version of Sourcegraph (X.Y.Z), SSH into your instance and run the following:
BASHdocker ps # get the $CONTAINER_ID of the running sourcegraph/server container docker rm -f $CONTAINER_ID docker run docker run -d --publish 80:7080 --publish 443:7080 --restart unless-stopped --volume /home/ec2-user/.sourcegraph/config:/etc/sourcegraph --volume /home/ec2-user/.sourcegraph/data:/var/opt/sourcegraph sourcegraph/server:X.Y.Z
Using an external database for persistence
The Docker container has its own internal PostgreSQL and Redis databases. To preserve this data when you kill and recreate the container, you can use external services for persistence, such as AWS RDS for PostgreSQL, Amazon ElastiCache, and S3 for storing user uploads.
NOTE: Use of external databases requires Sourcegraph Enterprise.