Other Git repository hosts

Supported on Enterprise plans.

Available via the Web app.

Site admins can sync Git repositories on any Git repository host (by Git clone URL) with Sourcegraph so that users can search and navigate the repositories. Use this method only when your repository host is not named as a supported code host.

To connect generic Git host to Sourcegraph:

  1. Go to Site admin > Manage code hosts > Add repositories
  2. Select Generic Git host.
  3. Configure the connection to generic Git host the action buttons above the text field, and additional fields can be added using Cmd/Ctrl+Space for auto-completion. See the configuration documentation below.
  4. Press Add repositories.

Constructing the url for SSH access

NOTE: Repository access over SSH is not yet supported on Sourcegraph Cloud.

If your code host serves git repositories over SSH, make sure your Sourcegraph instance can connect to your code host over SSH:

docker exec $CONTAINER ssh -p $PORT $USER@$HOSTNAME
  • $CONTAINER is the name or ID of your sourcegraph/server container
  • $PORT is the port on which your code host's git server is listening for connections
  • $USER is your user on your code host
  • $HOSTNAME is the hostname of your code host from within the sourcegraph/server container (e.g. githost.example.com)

Here's an example:

docker exec sourcegraph ssh -p 29418 [email protected]

The url field is then

"url": "ssh://$USER@$HOSTNAME:$PORT"`

Here's an example:

"url": "ssh://[email protected]:29418",

Adding repositories

Elements of the repos field are the same as the repository names. For example, a repository at https://githost.example.com/admin/repos/gorilla/mux will be "gorilla/mux" in the repos field.

Repositories must be listed individually:

"repos": [ "gorilla/mux", "sourcegraph/sourcegraph" ]



{ // A list of repositories to never mirror by name after applying repositoryPathPattern. Supports excluding by exact name ({"name": "myrepo"}) or regular expression ({"pattern": ".*secret.*"}). "exclude": null, // Other example values: // - [ // { // "name": "myrepo" // }, // { // "pattern": ".*secret.*" // } // ] // Whether or not these repositories should be marked as public on Sourcegraph.com. Defaults to false. "makeReposPublicOnDotCom": false, "repos": null, // The pattern used to generate the corresponding Sourcegraph repository name for the repositories. In the pattern, the variable "{base}" is replaced with the Git clone base URL host and path, and "{repo}" is replaced with the repository path taken from the `repos` field. // // For example, if your Git clone base URL is https://git.example.com/repos and `repos` contains the value "my/repo", then a repositoryPathPattern of "{base}/{repo}" would mean that a repository at https://git.example.com/repos/my/repo is available on Sourcegraph at https://sourcegraph.example.com/git.example.com/repos/my/repo. // // It is important that the Sourcegraph repository name generated with this pattern be unique to this code host. If different code hosts generate repository names that collide, Sourcegraph's behavior is undefined. // // Note: These patterns are ignored if using src-expose / src-serve / src-serve-local. "repositoryPathPattern": "{base}/{repo}", // Other example values: // - "pretty-host-name/{repo}" // The root directory to walk for discovering local git repositories to mirror. To sync with local repositories and use this root property one must run Cody App and define the repos configuration property such as ["src-serve-local"]. "root": "", // Other example values: // - "path/to/my/repos" "url": null // Other example values: // - "https://github.com/?access_token=secret" // - "ssh://[email protected]:2333/" // - "git://host.xz:2333/" }