Sourcegraph May 2024 release

Sourcegraph provides visibility into massive codebases across every code host, and with the release of 5.4.0 this extends across time, too. The new rev:at.time() filter gives you full context into how your codebase has evolved over time and lets you pinpoint code at any point in the past, while improved Code Insights charts now let you drill down to an exact timestamp.

Sourcegraph 5.4.0 brings improvements to Code Search with a new search filter rev:at.time() that provides point-in-time searching. This allows for searching a repo’s state at a specific timestamp rather than at a specific commit, branch, or tag.

The new filter works with both timestamps and natural language:

  • rev:at.time(1 year ago)
  • rev:at.time(3 days ago)
  • rev:at.time(2022-05-05)

Improved Code Insights chart drill-downs

Code Insights chart drill-downs now use the new point-in-time search filter to more accurately represent the results that produced a data point on a chart. Previously a diff search was used to show the difference between a selected point in time on a chart and the one before it, but Code Insights can now show a repository’s state at that exact timestamp. This functionality is useful for searching large repositories or repositories with lots of history.

Added Pkl syntax highlighting

Sourcegraph 5.4.0 now supports syntax highlighting for the Pkl configuration language.

Sourcegraph 5.4.0 is now available and users self-hosting Sourcegraph can upgrade their instances. Sourcegraph Cloud users will receive this update within the coming days.

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