From slow to SIMD: A Go optimization story

Camden Cheek
January 17, 2024

So, there's this function. It's called a lot. More importantly, all those calls are on the critical path of a key user interaction. Let's talk about making it fast.

Spoiler: it's a dot product.

Some background (or skip to the juicy stuff)

At Sourcegraph, we're working on a Code AI tool named Cody. In order for Cody to answer questions well, we need to give them enough context to work with. One of the ways we do this is by leveraging embeddings.

For our purposes, an embedding is a vector representation of a chunk of text. They are constructed in such a way that semantically similar pieces of text have more similar vectors. When Cody needs more information to answer a query, we run a similarity search over the embeddings to fetch a set of related chunks of code and feed those results to Cody to improve the relevance of results.

The piece relevant to this blog post is that similarity metric, which is the function that determines how similar two vectors are. For similarity search, a common metric is cosine similarity. However, for normalized vectors (vectors with unit magnitude), the dot product yields a ranking that's equivalent to cosine similarity. To run a search, we calculate the dot product for every embedding in our data set and keep the top results. And since we cannot start execution of the LLM until we get the necessary context, optimizing this step is crucial.

You might be thinking: why not just use an indexed vector DB? Outside of adding yet another piece of infra that we need to manage, the construction of an index adds latency and increases resource requirements. Additionally, standard nearest-neighbor indexes only provide approximate retrieval, which adds another layer of fuzziness compared to a more easily explainable exhaustive search. Given that, we decided to invest a little in our hand-rolled solution to see how far we could push it.

The target

This is a simple Go implementation of a function that calculates the dot product of two vectors. My goal is to outline the journey I took to optimize this function, and to share some tools I picked up along the way.


func DotNaive(a, b []float32) float32 {
	sum := float32(0)
	for i := 0; i < len(a) && i < len(b); i++ {
		sum += a[i] * b[i]
	return sum

Unless otherwise stated, all benchmarks are run on an Intel Xeon Platinum 8481C 2.70GHz CPU. This is a c3-highcpu-44 GCE VM. The code in this blog post can all be found in runnable form here.

Loop unrolling

Modern CPUs do this thing called instruction pipelining where it can run multiple instructions simultaneously if it finds no data dependencies between them. A data dependency just means that the input of one instruction depends on the output of another.

In our simple implementation, we have data dependencies between our loop iterations. A couple, in fact. Both i and sum have a read/write pair each iteration, meaning an iteration cannot start executing until the previous is finished.

A common method of squeezing more out of our CPUs in situations like this is known as loop unrolling. The basic idea is to rewrite our loop so more of our relatively-high-latency multiply instructions can execute simultaneously. Additionally, it amortizes the fixed loop costs (increment and compare) across multiple operations.


func DotUnroll4(a, b []float32) float32 {
	sum := float32(0)
	for i := 0; i < len(a); i += 4 {
		s0 := a[i] * b[i]
		s1 := a[i+1] * b[i+1]
		s2 := a[i+2] * b[i+2]
		s3 := a[i+3] * b[i+3]
		sum += s0 + s1 + s2 + s3
	return sum

In our unrolled code, the dependencies between multiply instructions are removed, enabling the CPU to take more advantage of pipelining. This increases our throughput by 37% compared to our naive implementation.

Note that we can actually improve this slightly more by twiddling with the number of iterations we unroll. On the benchmark machine, 8 seemed to be optimal, but on my laptop, 4 performs best. However, the improvement is quite platform dependent and fairly minimal, so for the rest of the post, I'll stick with an unroll depth of 4 for readability.

Bounds-checking elimination

In order to keep out-of-bounds slice accesses from being a security vulnerability (like the famous Heartbleed exploit), the go compiler inserts checks before each read. You can check it out in the generated assembly (look for runtime.panic).

The compiled code makes it look like we wrote something like this:

func DotUnroll4(a, b []float32) float32 {
	sum := float32(0)
	for i := 0; i < len(a); i += 4 {
        if i >= cap(b) {
            panic("out of bounds")
		s0 := a[i] * b[i]
        if i+1 >= cap(a) || i+1 >= cap(b) {
            panic("out of bounds")
		s1 := a[i+1] * b[i+1]
        if i+2 >= cap(a) || i+2 >= cap(b) {
            panic("out of bounds")
		s2 := a[i+2] * b[i+2]
        if i+3 >= cap(a) || i+3 >= cap(b) {
            panic("out of bounds")
		s3 := a[i+3] * b[i+3]
		sum += s0 + s1 + s2 + s3
	return sum

In a hot loop like this, even with modern branch prediction, the additional branches per iteration can add up to a pretty significant performance penalty. This is especially true in our case because the inserted jumps limit how much we can take advantage of pipelining.

If we can convince the compiler that these reads can never be out of bounds, it won't insert these runtime checks. This technique is known as "bounds-checking elimination", and the same patterns can apply to languages other than Go.

In theory, we should be able to do all checks once, outside the loop, and the compiler would be able to determine that all the slice indexing is safe. However, I couldn't find the right combination of checks to convince the compiler that what I'm doing is safe. I landed on a combination of asserting the lengths are equal and moving all the bounds checking to the top of the loop. This was enough to hit nearly the speed of the bounds-check-free version.


func DotBCE(a, b []float32) float32 {
	if len(a) != len(b) {
		panic("slices must have equal lengths")
    if len(a)%4 != 0 {
		panic("slice length must be multiple of 4")
	sum := float32(0)
	for i := 0; i < len(a); i += 4 {
		aTmp := a[i : i+4 : i+4]
		bTmp := b[i : i+4 : i+4]
		s0 := aTmp[0] * bTmp[0]
		s1 := aTmp[1] * bTmp[1]
		s2 := aTmp[2] * bTmp[2]
		s3 := aTmp[3] * bTmp[3]
		sum += s0 + s1 + s2 + s3
	return sum

The minimizing of bounds checking nets a 9% improvement. Consistently non-zero, but nothing to write home about.

This technique translates well to many memory-safe compiled languages like  Rust.

Exercise for the reader: why is it significant that we slice like a[i:i+4:i+4] rather than just a[i:i+4]?


We've improved single-core search throughput by ~50% at this point, but now we've hit a new bottleneck: memory usage. Our vectors are 1536 dimensions. With 4-byte elements, this comes out to 6KiB per vector, and we generate roughly a million vectors per GiB of code. That adds up quickly. We had a few customers come to us with some massive monorepos, and we wanted to reduce our memory usage so we can support those cases more cheaply.

One possible mitigation would be to move the vectors to disk, but loading them from disk at search time can add significant latency, especially on slow disks. Instead, we chose to compress our vectors with int8 quantization.

There are plenty of ways to compress vectors, but we'll be talking about integer quantization, which is relatively simple, but effective. The idea is to reduce the precision of the 4-byte float32 vector elements by converting them to 1-byte int8s.

I won't get into exactly how we decide to do the translation between float32 and int8, since that's a pretty deep topic, but suffice it to say our function now looks like the following:


func DotInt8BCE(a, b []int8) int32 {
	if len(a) != len(b) {
		panic("slices must have equal lengths")
	sum := int32(0)
	for i := 0; i < len(a); i += 4 {
		aTmp := a[i : i+4 : i+4]
		bTmp := b[i : i+4 : i+4]
		s0 := int32(aTmp[0]) * int32(bTmp[0])
		s1 := int32(aTmp[1]) * int32(bTmp[1])
		s2 := int32(aTmp[2]) * int32(bTmp[2])
		s3 := int32(aTmp[3]) * int32(bTmp[3])
		sum += s0 + s1 + s2 + s3
	return sum

This change yields a 4x reduction in memory usage at the cost of some accuracy (which we carefully measured, but is irrelevant to this blog post).

Unfortunately, re-running the benchmarks shows our search speed regressed a bit from the change. Taking a look at the generated assembly (with go tool compile -S), there are some new instructions for converting int8 to int32, which might explain the difference. I didn't dig too deep though, since all our performance improvements up to this point become irrelevant in the next section.


The speed improvements so far were nice, but still not enough for our largest customers. So we started dabbling with more dramatic approaches.

I always love an excuse to play with SIMD. And this problem seemed like the perfect nail for that hammer.

For those unfamiliar, SIMD stands for "Single Instruction Multiple Data". Just like it's says, it lets you run an operation over a bunch of pieces of data with a single instruction. As an example, to add two int32 vectors element-wise, we could add them together one by one with the ADD instruction and, or we can use the VPADDD instruction to add 64 pairs at a time with the same latency (depending on the architecture).

We have a problem though. Go does not expose SIMD intrinsics like C or Rust. We have two options here: write it in C and use Cgo, or write it by hand for Go's assembler. I try hard to avoid Cgo whenever possible for many reasons that are not at all original, but one of those reasons is that Cgo imposes a performance penalty, and performance of this snippet is paramount. Also, getting my hands dirty with some assembly sounds fun, so that's what I'm going to do.

I want this routine to be reasonably portable, so I'm going to restrict myself to only AVX2 instructions, which are supported on most x86_64 server CPUs these days. We can use runtime feature detection to fall back to a slower option in pure Go.

Full code for DotAVX2:


#include "textflag.h"
	// Offsets based on slice header offsets.
	// To check, use `GOARCH=amd64 go vet`
	MOVQ a_base+0(FP), AX
	MOVQ b_base+24(FP), BX
	MOVQ a_len+8(FP), DX
	XORQ R8, R8 // return sum
	// Zero Y0, which will store 8 packed 32-bit sums
	VPXOR Y0, Y0, Y0
// In blockloop, we calculate the dot product 16 at a time
	CMPQ DX, $16
	JB reduce
	// Sign-extend 16 bytes into 16 int16s
	// Multiply words vertically to form doubleword intermediates,
	// then add adjacent doublewords.
	// Add results to the running sum
	VPADDD Y0, Y1, Y0
	ADDQ $16, AX
	ADDQ $16, BX
	SUBQ $16, DX
	JMP blockloop
	// X0 is the low bits of Y0.
	// Extract the high bits into X1, fold in half, add, repeat.
	VEXTRACTI128 $1, Y0, X1
	VPADDD X0, X1, X0
	VPSRLDQ $8, X0, X1
	VPADDD X0, X1, X0
	VPSRLDQ $4, X0, X1
	VPADDD X0, X1, X0
	// Store the reduced sum
	MOVL R8, ret+48(FP)

The core loop of the implementation depends on three main instructions:

  • VPMOVSXBW, which loads int8s into a vector int16s
  • VPMADDWD, which multiplies two int16 vectors element-wise, then adds fuzzy stack.   together adjacent pairs to produce a vector of int32s
  • VPADDD, which accumulates the resulting int32 vector  into our running sum

VPMADDWD is a real heavy lifter here. By combining the multiply and add steps into one, not only does it save instructions, it also helps us avoid overflow issues by simultaneously widening the result to an int32.

Let's see what this earned us.

Woah, that's a 530% increase in throughput from our previous best! SIMD for the win 🚀

Now, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. Hand-writing assembly in Go is weird. It uses a custom assembler, which means that its assembly language looks just-different-enough-to-be-confusing compared to the assembly snippets you usually find online. It has some weird quirks like changing the order of instruction operands or using different names for instructions. Some instructions don't even have names in the go assembler and can only be used via their binary encoding. Shameless plug: I found invaluable for finding examples of Go assembly to draw from.

That said, compared to Cgo, there are some nice benefits. Debugging still works well, the assembly can be stepped through, and registers can be inspected using delve. There are no extra build steps (a C toolchain doesn't need to be set up). It's easy to set up a pure-Go fallback so cross-compilation still works. Common problems are caught by go vet.

SIMD...but bigger

Previously, we limited ourselves to AVX2, but what if we didn't? The VNNI extension to AVX-512 added the VPDPBUSD instruction, which computes the dot product on int8 vectors rather than int16s. This means we can process four times as many elements in a single instruction because we don't have to convert to int16 first and our vector width doubles with AVX-512!

The only problem is that the instruction requires one vector to be signed bytes, and the other to be unsigned bytes. Both of our vectors are signed. We can employ a trick from Intel's developer guide to help us out. Given two int8 elements, an and bn, we do the element-wise calculation as an* (bn + 128) - an * 128. The an * 128 term is the overshoot from adding 128 to bump bn into u8 range. We keep track of that separately and subtract it at the end. Each of the operations in that expression can be vectorized.

Full code for DotVNNI


#include "textflag.h"
// DotVNNI calculates the dot product of two slices using AVX512 VNNI
// instructions The slices must be of equal length and that length must be a
// multiple of 64.
	// Offsets based on slice header offsets.
	// To check, use `GOARCH=amd64 go vet`
	MOVQ a_base+0(FP), AX
	MOVQ b_base+24(FP), BX
	MOVQ a_len+8(FP), DX
    ADDQ AX, DX // end pointer
	// Zero our accumulators
	VPXORQ Z0, Z0, Z0 // positive
	VPXORQ Z1, Z1, Z1 // negative
	// Fill Z2 with 128
	MOVD $0x80808080, R9
	JE reduce
	// The VPDPBUSD instruction calculates of the dot product 4 columns at a
	// time, accumulating into an i32 vector. The problem is it expects one
	// vector to be unsigned bytes and one to be signed bytes. To make this
	// work, we make one of our vectors unsigned by adding 128 to each element.
	// This causes us to overshoot, so we keep track of the amount we need
	// to compensate by so we can subtract it from the sum at the end.
	// Effectively, we are calculating SUM((Z3 + 128) · Z4) - 128 * SUM(Z4).
	VPADDB Z3, Z2, Z3   // add 128 to Z3, making it unsigned
	VPDPBUSD Z4, Z3, Z0 // Z0 += Z3 dot Z4
	VPDPBUSD Z4, Z2, Z1 // Z1 += broadcast(128) dot Z4
	ADDQ $64, AX
	ADDQ $64, BX
	JMP blockloop
    // Subtract the overshoot from our calculated dot product
	VPSUBD Z1, Z0, Z0 // Z0 -= Z1
    // Sum Z0 horizontally. There is no horizontal sum instruction, so instead
    // we sum the upper and lower halves of Z0, fold it in half again, and
    // repeat until we are down to 1 element that contains the final sum.
    VEXTRACTI64X4 $1, Z0, Y1
    VPADDD Y0, Y1, Y0
	VEXTRACTI128 $1, Y0, X1
	VPADDD X0, X1, X0
	VPSRLDQ $8, X0, X1
	VPADDD X0, X1, X0
	VPSRLDQ $4, X0, X1
	VPADDD X0, X1, X0
	// Store the reduced sum
	MOVL R8, ret+48(FP)

This implementation yielded another 21% improvement. Not bad!

What's next?

Well, I'm pretty happy with an 9.3x increase in throughput and a 4x reduction in memory usage, so I'll probably leave it here.

The real life answer here is probably "use an index". There is a ton of good work out there focused on making nearest neighbor search fast, and there are plenty of batteries-included vector DBs that make it pretty easy to deploy.

However, if you want some fun food for thought, a colleague of mine built a proof-of-concept dot product on the GPU.

Bonus material

  • If you haven't used benchstat, you should. It's great. Super  simple statistical comparison of benchmark results.
  • Don't miss the compiler explorer, which is an extremely useful tool for digging  into compiler codegen.
  • There's also that time I got nerd sniped into implementing  a version with ARM NEON, which made for some  interesting comparisons.
  • If you haven't come across it, the Agner Fog Instruction Tables make for some great  reference material for low-level optimizations. For this work, I used them to help grok differences instruction  latencies and why some pipeline better than others.